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webserver.publisher2 #

fn get #

fn get() ?Publisher

install mdbook will return true if it was already installed

enum AccessStatus #

enum AccessStatus {

enum SiteType #

enum SiteType {
	book // mdbook
	web // just html

struct ACE #

struct ACE {
pub mut:
	groups []&Group // pointer to the object as is in the publisher one
	users  []&User  // can be or a user or a group
	right  Right

Access Control Entry

struct ACL #

struct ACL {
pub mut:
	name    string
	entries []ACE

Access Control List

struct Access #

struct Access {
	right  Right
	status AccessStatus

struct AccessLog #

struct AccessLog {
	user User
	path Path
	time Time

struct Authentication #

struct Authentication {
pub mut:
	email_required      bool   // if true means users need to give their email address (just a form)
	email_authenticated bool   // if true, means user needs to give email address and verify the correctness with email client
	tfconnect           bool   // not used now for future
	kyc                 bool   // not used now for future (KYC/AML)
	acl                 []&ACL // list of people who have access, can be empty if empty there can be passwd

if acl not empty then is obliged to use, if email required email need to match USER and the ACE/ACL if in combination with email_authenticated, it means we make sure that email is correct, so becomes string in future will be compatible with TFConnect

struct Email #

struct Email {
pub mut:
	address       string
	authenticated bool

struct Group #

struct Group {
	name string
pub mut:
	users []&User

struct Publisher #

struct Publisher {
pub mut:
	// node  &builder.Node
	state  State
	sites  map[string]Site // the key is the prefix as used on webserver
	groups map[string]Group
	users  map[string]User
	acls   map[string]ACL

fn (Publisher) user_add #

fn (mut p Publisher) user_add(name_ string) &User

fn (Publisher) site_add #

fn (mut p Publisher) site_add(name_ string, type_ SiteType) &Site

pub fn (p Publisher) get_user_sites(user User)

fn (Publisher) acl_add #

fn (mut p Publisher) acl_add(name_ string) &ACL

fn (Publisher) site_acl_add #

fn (mut p Publisher) site_acl_add(site_ string, acl &ACL)

fn (Publisher) auth_add #

fn (mut p Publisher) auth_add(email_req bool, email_auth bool) &Authentication

fn (Publisher) get_sites_accessible #

fn (p Publisher) get_sites_accessible(username string) map[string]Site

returns the sites that the user has read or write access to

fn (Publisher) get_access #

fn (p Publisher) get_access(user User, sitename string) Access

? get highest or lowest right? returns the right a user has to a given authentication struct

fn (Publisher) ace_add #

fn (mut p Publisher) ace_add(acl string, right Right) &ACE

pub fn (mut p Publisher) ace_add(right Right, acl_name string) &ACE { ace := ACE{right: right} p.acls[acl_name].entries << ace return &ace }

fn (Publisher) ace_add_user #

fn (mut p Publisher) ace_add_user(mut ace ACE, user &User) &ACE

fn (Publisher) get_right #

fn (p Publisher) get_right(username string, sitename string) Right

? get highest or lowest right? returns the right a user has to a given authentication struct

struct Site #

struct Site {
	name      string // correspond to key, uses namefix from texttoolsmap[string]Page
	publisher &Publisher @[str: skip] // pointer to sites
	sitetype  SiteType
pub mut:
	path           Path // path where site can be found
	authentication Authentication
	logs           []AccessLog = []

fn (Site) auth_add #

fn (site Site) auth_add(email_required bool, email_authenticated bool, acl &ACL) &Authentication

struct User #

struct User {
	name string
pub mut:
	emails  []Email
	pubkeys []string // optional
	sshkeys []string // optional