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threefold.griddriver #

struct BatchCreateContractData #

struct BatchCreateContractData {
pub mut:
	node                 u32
	body                 string
	hash                 string
	public_ips           u32
	solution_provider_id ?u64
	// for name contracts. if set the contract is assumed to be a name contract and other fields are ignored
	name string

struct Client #

struct Client {
	mnemonic  string
	substrate string
	relay     string
	node_twin map[u32]u32

fn (Client) batch_cancel_contracts #

fn (mut c Client) batch_cancel_contracts(contract_ids []u64) !

fn (Client) batch_create_contracts #

fn (mut c Client) batch_create_contracts(contracts_data_ []BatchCreateContractData) ![]u64

fn (Client) cancel_contract #

fn (mut c Client) cancel_contract(contract_id u64) !

fn (Client) create_name_contract #

fn (mut c Client) create_name_contract(name string) !u64

fn (Client) create_node_contract #

fn (mut c Client) create_node_contract(node_id u32, body string, hash string, public_ips u32, solution_provider u64) !u64

fn (Client) deploy_single_vm #

fn (mut c Client) deploy_single_vm(node_id u32, solution_type string, vm models.VM, env string) !string

fn (Client) generate_wg_priv_key #

fn (mut c Client) generate_wg_priv_key() ![]string

returns priv, pub key separated by a space

fn (Client) generate_wg_public_key #

fn (mut c Client) generate_wg_public_key(key string) !string

returns priv, pub key separated by a space

fn (Client) get_node_twin #

fn (mut c Client) get_node_twin(node_id u64) !u32

fn (Client) get_user_twin #

fn (mut c Client) get_user_twin() !u32

fn (Client) get_zos_version #

fn (mut c Client) get_zos_version(dst u32) !Version

fn (Client) list_wg_ports #

fn (mut c Client) list_wg_ports(dst u32) ![]u16

fn (Client) rmb_call #

fn (mut c Client) rmb_call(dst u32, cmd string, payload string) !string

fn (Client) sign_deployment #

fn (mut c Client) sign_deployment(hash string) !string

fn (Client) update_node_contract #

fn (mut c Client) update_node_contract(contract_id u64, body string, hash string) !

struct Version #

struct Version {
	zinit string
	zos   string