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clients.milvus #

fn new #

fn new(endpoint string, token string) Client

struct Client #

struct Client {
	endpoint string = 'http://localhost:19530'
	token    string

fn (Client) create_playbook #

fn (c Client) create_playbook(playbook Collection) !

fn (Client) delete_vector #

fn (c Client) delete_vector(args VectorDeleteArgs) !

fn (Client) describe_playbook #

fn (c Client) describe_playbook(args DescribeCollectionArgs) !CollectionDescription

fn (Client) drop_playbook #

fn (c Client) drop_playbook(args DropCollectionArgs) !

fn (Client) get_vector #

fn (c Client) get_vector(args VectorGetArgs) !json2.Any

fn (Client) insert_vector #

fn (c Client) insert_vector[T](args InsertVectorArgs[T]) !u32

fn (Client) list_playbooks #

fn (c Client) list_playbooks() ![]string

fn (Client) query_vector #

fn (c Client) query_vector(args QueryVectorArgs) !json2.Any

fn (Client) search_vector #

fn (c Client) search_vector(args SearchVectorArgs) !json2.Any

fn (Client) upsert_vector #

fn (c Client) upsert_vector(args UpsertVectorArgs) !UpsertVectorResponse

struct Collection #

struct Collection {
pub mut:
	playbook_name string  @[json: 'playbookName'; required] // The name of the playbook to create.
	db_name       ?string @[json: 'dbName']                 // The name of the database.
	description   ?string // The description of the playbook
	dimension     u16    @[required]             // The number of dimensions for the vector field of the playbook. For performance-optimized CUs, this value ranges from 1 to 32768. For capacity-optimized and cost-optimized CUs, this value ranges from 32 to 32768. The value ranges from 1 to 32768.
	metric_type   string = 'L2' @[json: 'metricType']                  // The distance metric used for the playbook. The value defaults to L2.
	primary_field string = 'id' @[json: 'primaryField']                  // The primary key field. The value defaults to id.
	vector_field  string = 'vector' @[json: 'vectorField']              // The vector field. The value defaults to vector.

struct CollectionDescription #

struct CollectionDescription {
pub mut:
	playbook_name        string @[json: 'playbookName'] // The name of the playbook.
	description          string // An optional description of the playbook.
	fields               []Field
	indexes              []Index
	load                 string // The load status of the playbook. Possible values are unload, loading, and loaded.
	shards_number        u32  @[json: 'shardsNum']          // The number of shards in the playbook.
	enable_dynamic_field bool @[json: 'enableDynamicField'] // Whether the dynamic JSON feature is enabled for this playbook.

struct DescribeCollectionArgs #

struct DescribeCollectionArgs {
	playbook_name string @[required] // The name of the playbook to describe.
	db_name       ?string // The name of the database.

struct DropCollectionArgs #

struct DropCollectionArgs {
	playbook_name string  @[json: 'playbookName'; required] // The name of the playbook to describe.
	db_name       ?string @[json: 'dbName']                 // The name of the database.

struct Field #

struct Field {
pub mut:
	auto_id     bool @[json: 'autoId'] // Whether the primary key automatically increments.
	description string // An optional description of the field.
	name        string // The name of the field.
	primary_key bool   @[json: 'primaryKey'] // Whether the field is a primary field.
	type_       string @[json: 'type']       // The data type of the values in this field.

struct Index #

struct Index {
pub mut:
	field_name  string @[json: 'fieldName']  // The name of the indexed field.
	index_name  string @[json: 'indexName']  // The name of the generated index files.
	metric_type string @[json: 'metricType'] // The metric type used in the index process.

struct InsertVectorArgs #

struct InsertVectorArgs[T] {
	db_name       ?string @[json: 'dbName']                 // The name of the database.
	playbook_name string  @[json: 'playbookName'; required] // The name of the playbook to which entities will be inserted.
	data          []T     @[required]                       // An array of entity objects. Note that the keys in an entity object should match the playbook schema

struct MilvusResponse #

struct MilvusResponse {
pub mut:
	code    u32
	data    json2.Any
	message ?string

struct QueryVectorArgs #

struct QueryVectorArgs {
	db_name       ?string @[json: 'dbName']                 // The name of the database.
	playbook_name string  @[json: 'playbookName'; required] // The name of the playbook to which this operation applies.
	filter        string  @[required]                       // The filter used to find matches for the search.
	limit         u8 = 100 // The maximum number of entities to return. The sum of this value and that of offset should be less than 16384. The value ranges from 1 to 100.
	offset        ?u16 // The number of entities to skip in the search results. The sum of this value and that of limit should be less than 16384. The maximum value is 16384.
	output_fields []string @[json: 'outputFields'] // An array of fields to return along with the search results.

struct SearchParams #

struct SearchParams {
	radius       f64 // The angle where the vector with the least similarity resides.
	range_filter f64 // Used in combination to filter vector field values whose similarity to the query vector falls into a specific range.

struct SearchVectorArgs #

struct SearchVectorArgs {
	db_name       ?string @[json: 'dbName']                 // The name of the database.
	playbook_name string  @[json: 'playbookName'; required] // The name of the playbook to which this operation applies.
	filter        string  @[required]                       // The filter used to find matches for the search.
	limit         u8 = 100 // The maximum number of entities to return. The sum of this value and that of offset should be less than 16384. The value ranges from 1 to 100.
	offset        ?u16 // The number of entities to skip in the search results. The sum of this value and that of limit should be less than 16384. The maximum value is 16384.
	output_fields []string @[json: 'outputFields'] // An array of fields to return along with the search results.
	params        ?SearchParams
	vector        []f32 @[required] // The query vector in the form of a list of floating numbers.

struct UpsertVectorArgs #

struct UpsertVectorArgs {
	db_name       ?string     @[json: 'dbName']                 // The name of the database.
	playbook_name string      @[json: 'playbookName'; required] // The name of the playbook to which entities will be inserted.
	data          []json2.Any @[required]                       // An array of entity objects. Note that the keys in an entity object should match the playbook schema

struct UpsertVectorResponse #

struct UpsertVectorResponse {
	upsert_count u32  @[json: 'upsertCount'] // The number of inserted entities.
	upsert_ids   []ID @[json: 'upsertIds']   // An array of the IDs of inserted entities.

struct VectorDeleteArgs #

struct VectorDeleteArgs {
	db_name       ?string @[json: 'dbName']                 // The name of the database.
	playbook_name string  @[json: 'playbookName'; required] // The name of the playbook to which this operation applies.
	id            ID      @[required]                       // An array of ID/IDs of the entities to be retrieved. This could be a string, list of strings, or list of integers, depending on the id type.

struct VectorGetArgs #

struct VectorGetArgs {
	db_name       ?string   @[json: 'dbName']                 // The name of the database.
	playbook_name string    @[json: 'playbookName'; required] // The name of the playbook to which this operation applies.
	output_fields ?[]string @[json: 'outputFields']           // An array of fields to return along with the search results.
	id            ID        @[required]                       // An array of ID/IDs of the entities to be retrieved. This could be a string, list of strings, or list of integers, depending on the id type.