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threefold.grid4.gridsimulator #

Grid Simulator

see ... for example

we can use use the play command to execute on it.

fn new #

fn new(args_ SimulatorArgs) !Simulator

fn play #

fn play(mut plbook PlayBook) !

fn simulator_get #

fn simulator_get(name string) !&Simulator

get sheet from global

fn simulator_set #

fn simulator_set(sim Simulator)

remember sheet in global

struct Simulator #

struct Simulator {
pub mut:
	name   string
	sheet  &spreadsheet.Sheet
	params SimulatorArgs
	nodes  map[string]&cloudslices.Node

fn (Simulator) load #

fn (mut self Simulator) load() !

load the mdbook content from path or git

fn (Simulator) play #

fn (mut self Simulator) play(mut plbook PlayBook) !

struct SimulatorArgs #

struct SimulatorArgs {
pub mut:
	name      string = 'default' // name of simulation
	path      string
	git_url   string
	git_reset bool
	git_pull  bool