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core.texttools #

fn action_multiline_fix #

fn action_multiline_fix(content string) string

fn ascii_clean #

fn ascii_clean(r string) string

remove all chars which are not ascii

fn check_exists_outside_quotes #

fn check_exists_outside_quotes(text string, items []string) bool

test if an element off the array exists in the text but ignore quotes

fn cmd_line_args_parser #

fn cmd_line_args_parser(text string) ![]string

convert text string to arguments \n supported but will be \n and only supported within '' or "" ' not modified, same for "

fn dedent #

fn dedent(text string) string

remove all leading spaces at same level

fn email_fix #

fn email_fix(name string) !string

fn expand #

fn expand(txt_ string, l int, expand_with string) string

texttools.expand('|', 20, ' ')

fn indent #

fn indent(text string, prefix string) string

fn is_int #

fn is_int(text string) bool

fn is_upper_text #

fn is_upper_text(text string) bool

fn multiline_to_single #

fn multiline_to_single(text string) !string

converst a multiline to a single line, keeping all relevant information empty lines removed (unless if in parameter) commented lines removed as well (starts with // and #) multiline to 'line1\nline2\n' dedent also done before putting in '...' tabs also replaced to 4x space

fn name_clean #

fn name_clean(r string) string

fn name_fix #

fn name_fix(name string) string

fn name_fix_dot_notation_to_pascal #

fn name_fix_dot_notation_to_pascal(name string) string

fn name_fix_dot_notation_to_snake_case #

fn name_fix_dot_notation_to_snake_case(name string) string

fn name_fix_keepext #

fn name_fix_keepext(name_ string) string

fn name_fix_keepspace #

fn name_fix_keepspace(name string) !string

like name_fix but _ becomes space

fn name_fix_list #

fn name_fix_list(name string) []string

fn name_fix_no_ext #

fn name_fix_no_ext(name_ string) string

remove underscores and extension

fn name_fix_no_md #

fn name_fix_no_md(name string) string

get name back keep extensions and underscores, but when end on .md then remove extension

fn name_fix_no_underscore #

fn name_fix_no_underscore(name string) string

fn name_fix_no_underscore_no_ext #

fn name_fix_no_underscore_no_ext(name_ string) string

remove underscores and extension

fn name_fix_no_underscore_token #

fn name_fix_no_underscore_token(name string) string

fn name_fix_pascal #

fn name_fix_pascal(name string) string

fn name_fix_pascal_to_snake #

fn name_fix_pascal_to_snake(name string) string

fn name_fix_snake_to_pascal #

fn name_fix_snake_to_pascal(name string) string

fn name_fix_token #

fn name_fix_token(name string) string

fn name_split #

fn name_split(name string) !(string, string)

return (sitename,pagename) sitename will be empty string if not specified with site:... or site__...

fn remove_double_lines #

fn remove_double_lines(text string) string

fn remove_empty_js_blocks #

fn remove_empty_js_blocks(text string) string

remove ?? , can be over multiple lines . also removes double lines

fn remove_empty_lines #

fn remove_empty_lines(text string) string

fn split_smart #

fn split_smart(t string, delimiter_ string) []string

split strings in intelligent ways, taking into consideration '"`

r0:=texttools.split_smart("'root'   304   0.0  0.0 408185328   1360   ??  S    16Dec23   0:34.06 /usr/sbin/distnoted\n \n")
assert ['root', '304', '0.0', '0.0', '408185328', '1360', '??', 'S', '16Dec23', '0:34.06', '/usr/sbin/distnoted']==r0

fn tel_fix #

fn tel_fix(name_ string) !string

fix string which represenst a tel nr

fn template_replace #

fn template_replace(template_ string) string

replace '^^', '@' . replace '??', '$' . replace '\t', ' ' .

fn text_remove_quotes #

fn text_remove_quotes(text string) string

remove all '..' and "..." from a text, so everything in between the quotes

fn text_token_replace #

fn text_token_replace(text string, tofind string, replacewith string) !string

fn to_array #

fn to_array(r string) []string

a comma or \n separated list gets converted to a list of strings . '..' also gets converted to without '' check also splitsmart which is more intelligent

fn to_array_int #

fn to_array_int(r string) []int

fn to_list_map #

fn to_list_map(mapstring string, txt_ string, delimiter_ string) []map[string]string

r4:=texttools.to_list_map("name,-,-,-,-,pid,-,-,-,-,path",t) assert [{'name': '_cmiodalassistants', 'pid': '1360', 'path': '/usr/sbin/distnoted'}, {'name': '_locationd', 'pid': '1344', 'path': '/usr/sbin/distnoted'}, {'name': 'root', 'pid': '7296', 'path': '/usr/libexec/storagekitd'}, {'name': '_coreaudiod', 'pid': '1344', 'path': '/usr/sbin/distnoted'}] == r4

fn to_map #

fn to_map(mapstring string, line string, delimiter_ string) map[string]string

r3:=texttools.to_map("name,-,-,-,-,pid,-,-,-,-,path", "root 304 0.0 0.0 408185328 1360 ?? S 16Dec23 0:34.06 \n \n") assert {'name': 'root', 'pid': '1360', 'path': ''} == r3

fn tokenize #

fn tokenize(text_ string) TokenizerResult

fn version #

fn version(text_ string) int

v0.4.36 becomes 4036 . v1.4.36 becomes 1004036

fn wiki_fix #

fn wiki_fix(content_ string) string

enum MultiLineStatus #

enum MultiLineStatus {

struct TokenizerItem #

struct TokenizerItem {
pub mut:
	toreplace string
	// is the most fixed string
	matchstring string

struct TokenizerResult #

struct TokenizerResult {
pub mut:
	items []TokenizerItem

import regex

fn (TokenizerResult) replace #

fn (mut tr TokenizerResult) replace(text string, tofind string, replacewith string) !string