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data.jsonschema #

JSON Schema

A V library for the JSON Schema model, and a few handy functions.

JSON Schema Model

Defined here, "JSON Schema is a declarative language that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents." The model in this module provides a struct that can easily be encoded into a JSON Schema.

Generating a Schema

The generate.v file provides functions that can generate JSONSchema from codemodels. This allows for easy generation of JSON Schema from structs, and is useful for generating schemas from parsed code in v.


struct_ := codemodel.Struct {
    name: 'Mystruct'
    fields: [
        codemodel.StructField {
            name: 'myfield'
            typ: 'string'
schema := struct_to_schema(struct_)

Generating Schemas for Anonymous Structs

The properties of a JSON Schema is a list of key value pairs, where keys represent the subschema's name and the value is the schema (or the reference to the schema which is defined elsewhere) of the property. This is analogous to the fields of a struct, which is represented by a field name and a type.

It's good practice to define object type schemas separately and reference them in properties, especially if the same schema is used in multiple places. However, object type schemas can also be defined in property definitions. This may make sense if the schema is exclusively used as a property of a schema, similar to using an anonymous struct for the type definition of a field of a struct.

As such, schema's generated from structs that declare anonymous structs as field types, include a schema definition in the property field.


As this issue is still not resolved, a json schema cannot be decoded into the json schema structure defined in this module. As such, to decode json schema string into a structure the pub fn decode(data str) !Schema function defined in decode.v must be used.

fn decode #

fn decode(data string) !Schema

fn decode_items #

fn decode_items(data Any) !Items

fn decode_schemaref #

fn decode_schemaref(data_map map[string]Any) !SchemaRef

fn decode_schemaref_map #

fn decode_schemaref_map(data_map map[string]Any) !map[string]SchemaRef

fn param_to_schema #

fn param_to_schema(param Param) SchemaRef

fn result_to_schema #

fn result_to_schema(result Result) SchemaRef

fn struct_to_schema #

fn struct_to_schema(struct_ Struct) SchemaRef

struct_to_schema generates a json schema or reference from a struct model

fn sumtype_to_schema #

fn sumtype_to_schema(sumtype codemodel.Sumtype) SchemaRef

struct_to_schema generates a json schema or reference from a struct model

fn type_to_schema #

fn type_to_schema(typ Type) SchemaRef

fn typesymbol_to_schema #

fn typesymbol_to_schema(symbol_ string) SchemaRef

typesymbol_to_schema receives a typesymbol, if the typesymbol belongs to a user defined struct it returns a reference to the schema, else it returns a schema for the typesymbol

fn (SchemaRef) to_code #

fn (sr SchemaRef) to_code() !Type

fn (SchemaRef) to_struct_field #

fn (schema SchemaRef) to_struct_field(name string) !StructField

struct Reference #

struct Reference {
	ref string @[json: 'ref']

fn (Reference) to_type #

fn (ref Reference) to_type() Type

fn (Reference) to_type_symbol #

fn (ref Reference) to_type_symbol() string

struct Schema #

struct Schema {
pub mut:
	schema                string @[json: 'schema']
	id                    string @[json: 'id']
	title                 string
	description           string
	typ                   string @[json: 'type']
	properties            map[string]SchemaRef
	additional_properties SchemaRef @[json: 'additionalProperties']
	required              []string
	ref                   string
	items                 Items
	defs                  map[string]SchemaRef
	one_of                []SchemaRef @[json: 'oneOf']
	// todo: make fields optional upon the fixing of
	// from
	// Validation for numbers
	multiple_of       int @[json: 'multipleOf'; omitempty]
	maximum           int @[omitempty]
	exclusive_maximum int @[json: 'exclusiveMaximum'; omitempty]
	minimum           int @[omitempty]
	exclusive_minimum int @[json: 'exclusiveMinimum'; omitempty]

fn (Schema) to_code #

fn (schema Schema) to_code() !CodeItem

fn (Schema) to_struct #

fn (schema Schema) to_struct() !Struct

fn (Schema) v_encode #

fn (schema Schema) v_encode() !string

fn (Schema) vstructs_encode #

fn (schema Schema) vstructs_encode() ![]string

vstructs_encode encodes a schema into V structs. if a schema has nested object type schemas or defines object type schemas, recrusively encodes object type schemas and pushes to the array of structs. returns an array of schemas that have been encoded into V structs.

fn (Schema) vtype_encode #

fn (schema Schema) vtype_encode() !string

code_type generates a typesymbol for the schema