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threefold.grid.models #

Constants #

const device_types = DeviceTypes{}
const zdb_modes = ZdbModes{}
const result_states = ResultStates{}
const workload_types = WorkloadTypes{}

fn challenge #

fn challenge(data string, type_ string) !string

fn new_deployment #

fn new_deployment(args DeploymentArgs) Deployment

fn rand_port #

fn rand_port(takenPorts []u16) !u16

struct ACE #

struct ACE {
	// the administrator twin id
	twin_ids []int
	rights   []Right

Access Control Entry

struct ComputeCapacity #

struct ComputeCapacity {
pub mut:
	// cpu cores
	cpu u8
	// memory in bytes, minimal 100 MB
	memory i64

fn (ComputeCapacity) challenge #

fn (mut c ComputeCapacity) challenge() string

struct Deployment #

struct Deployment {
pub mut:
	// increments for each new interation of this model
	// signature needs to be achieved when version goes up
	version u32 = 1
	// the twin who is responsible for this deployment
	twin_id u32
	// each deployment has unique id (in relation to originator)
	contract_id u64
	// when the full workload will stop working
	// default, 0 means no expiration
	expiration  i64
	metadata    string
	description string
	// list of all worklaods
	workloads []Workload

	signature_requirement SignatureRequirement

deployment is given to each Zero-OS who needs to deploy something the zero-os'es will only take out what is relevant for them if signature not done on the main Deployment one, nothing will happen

fn (Deployment) challenge #

fn (deployment Deployment) challenge() string

fn (Deployment) challenge_hash #

fn (deployment Deployment) challenge_hash() []u8

ChallengeHash computes the hash of the challenge signed by the user. used for validation

fn (Deployment) add_signature #

fn (mut d Deployment) add_signature(twin u32, signature string)

fn (Deployment) json_encode #

fn (mut d Deployment) json_encode() string

fn (Deployment) count_public_ips #

fn (dl Deployment) count_public_ips() u8

fn (Deployment) add_metadata #

fn (mut dl Deployment) add_metadata(type_ string, project_name string)

fn (Deployment) parse_metadata #

fn (mut d Deployment) parse_metadata() !DeploymentData

struct DeploymentArgs #

struct DeploymentArgs {
	version               ?u32
	twin_id               u32
	contract_id           u64
	expiration            ?i64
	metadata              DeploymentData
	description           ?string
	workloads             []Workload
	signature_requirement SignatureRequirement

struct DeploymentData #

struct DeploymentData {
	type_        string @[json: 'type']
	name         string
	project_name string @[json: 'projectName']

fn (DeploymentData) json_encode #

fn (data DeploymentData) json_encode() string

struct DeviceTypes #

struct DeviceTypes {
	hdd string = 'hdd'
	ssd string = 'ssd'

struct Encryption #

struct Encryption {
	algorithm string = 'AES' // configuration to use for the encryption stage. Currently only AES is supported.
	key       []u8 // 64 long hex encoded encryption key (e.g. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000).

struct GatewayFQDNProxy #

struct GatewayFQDNProxy {
	tls_passthrough bool
	backends        []string // The backends of the gateway proxy. must be in the format ip:port if tls_passthrough is set, otherwise the format should be http://ip[:port]
	network         ?string  // Network name to join, if backend IP is private.
	fqdn            string   // The fully qualified domain name of the deployed workload.

fn (GatewayFQDNProxy) challenge #

fn (g GatewayFQDNProxy) challenge() string

fn (GatewayFQDNProxy) to_workload #

fn (g GatewayFQDNProxy) to_workload(args WorkloadArgs) Workload

struct GatewayNameProxy #

struct GatewayNameProxy {
	tls_passthrough bool
	backends        []string // The backends of the gateway proxy. must be in the format ip:port if tls_passthrough is set, otherwise the format should be http://ip[:port]
	network         ?string  // Network name to join, if backend IP is private.
	name            string   // Domain prefix. The fqdn will be ..  This has to be unique within the deployment. Must contain only alphanumeric and underscore characters.

fn (GatewayNameProxy) challenge #

fn (g GatewayNameProxy) challenge() string

fn (GatewayNameProxy) to_workload #

fn (g GatewayNameProxy) to_workload(args WorkloadArgs) Workload

struct GatewayProxyResult #

struct GatewayProxyResult {
pub mut:
	fqdn string

GatewayProxyResult results

struct Mount #

struct Mount {
pub mut:
	name       string
	mountpoint string // the path to mount the disk into e.g. '/disk1'

fn (Mount) challenge #

fn (mut m Mount) challenge() string

struct Mycelium #

struct Mycelium {
pub mut:
	hex_key string
	peers   []string

fn (Mycelium) challenge #

fn (m Mycelium) challenge() string

struct MyceliumIP #

struct MyceliumIP {
pub mut:
	network  string
	hex_seed string

fn (MyceliumIP) challenge #

fn (m MyceliumIP) challenge() string

struct Peer #

struct Peer {
pub mut:
	subnet string // IPV4 subnet of the network resource of the peer
	// WGPublicKey of the peer (driven from its private key)
	wireguard_public_key string // can be generated by `echo  | wg pubkey` command
	// is ipv4 or ipv6 address from a wireguard client who connects
	// this should be the node's subnet and the wireguard routing ip that should start with `100.64`
	// then the 2nd and 3rd part of the node's subnet
	// e.g. ["", ""]
	allowed_ips []string
	// Entrypoint of the peer; ipv4 or ipv6,
	// can be empty, one of the 2 need to be filled in though
	// e.g. [2a10:b600:0:9:225:90ff:fe82:7130]:7777
	endpoint string

is a remote wireguard client which can connect to this node

fn (Peer) challenge #

fn (mut p Peer) challenge() string

struct PublicConfig #

struct PublicConfig {
	type_  string // Type define if we need to use the Vlan field or the MacVlan
	ipv4   string
	ipv6   string
	gw4    string
	gw6    string
	domain string // Domain is the node domain name e.g.

struct PublicIP #

struct PublicIP {
	v4 bool
	v6 bool

fn (PublicIP) challenge #

fn (p PublicIP) challenge() string

fn (PublicIP) to_workload #

fn (p PublicIP) to_workload(args WorkloadArgs) Workload

struct QuantumCompression #

struct QuantumCompression {
	algorithm string = 'snappy' // configuration to use for the compression stage. Currently only snappy is supported.

struct QuantumSafeConfig #

struct QuantumSafeConfig {
	prefix     string // Data stored on the remote metadata is prefixed with.
	encryption Encryption
	backends   []ZDBBackend

struct QuantumSafeFS #

struct QuantumSafeFS {
	cache  u64
	config QuantumSafeFSConfig

fn (QuantumSafeFS) challenge #

fn (qsfs QuantumSafeFS) challenge() string

struct QuantumSafeFSConfig #

struct QuantumSafeFSConfig {
	minimal_shards        u32
	expected_shards       u32
	redundant_groups      u32
	redundant_nodes       u32
	max_zdb_data_dir_size u32
	encryption            Encryption
	meta                  QuantumSafeMeta
	goups                 []ZDBGroup
	compression           QuantumCompression

struct QuantumSafeMeta #

struct QuantumSafeMeta {
	type_  string = 'ZDB' @[json: 'type']         // configuration for the metadata store to use, currently only ZDB is supported.
	config QuantumSafeConfig

struct ResultStates #

struct ResultStates {
	error   ResultState = 'error'
	ok      ResultState = 'ok'
	deleted ResultState = 'deleted'

struct Signature #

struct Signature {
pub mut:
	// unique id as used in TFGrid DB
	twin_id u32
	// signature (done with private key of the twin_id)
	signature      string
	signature_type string

struct SignatureRequest #

struct SignatureRequest {
pub mut:
	// unique id as used in TFGrid DB
	twin_id u32
	// if put on required then this twin_id needs to sign
	required bool
	// signing weight
	weight int

fn (SignatureRequest) challenge #

fn (request SignatureRequest) challenge() string

Challenge computes challenge for SignatureRequest

struct SignatureRequirement #

struct SignatureRequirement {
pub mut:
	// the requests which can allow to get to required quorum
	requests []SignatureRequest
	// minimal weight which needs to be achieved to let this workload become valid
	weight_required int
	signatures      []Signature
	signature_style string

fn (SignatureRequirement) challenge #

fn (requirement SignatureRequirement) challenge() string

Challenge computes challenge for SignatureRequest

struct VM #

struct VM {
	name        string = 'myvm'
	flist       string = ''
	entrypoint  string = '/sbin/zinit init'
	env_vars    map[string]string
	cpu         int = 1
	memory      int = 1024
	rootfs_size int

VM struct used to deploy machine in a high level manner

fn (VM) json_encode #

fn (vm VM) json_encode() string

struct Workload #

struct Workload {
pub mut:
	version u32
	// unique name per Deployment
	name  string
	type_ WorkloadType @[json: 'type']
	// this should be something like json.RawMessage in golang
	data        string @[raw] // serialize({size: 10}) ---> "data": {size:10},
	metadata    string
	description string
	// list of Access Control Entries
	// what can an administrator do
	// not implemented in zos
	// acl []ACE

	result WorkloadResult

fn (Workload) challenge #

fn (workload Workload) challenge() string

fn (Workload) challenge_hash #

fn (workload Workload) challenge_hash() []u8

fn (Workload) json_encode #

fn (mut w Workload) json_encode() string

struct WorkloadArgs #

struct WorkloadArgs {
	version     ?u32
	name        string
	description ?string
	metadata    ?string
	result      ?WorkloadResult

pub fn(mut w WorkloadData) challenge() string { return w.challenge() }

struct WorkloadResult #

struct WorkloadResult {
pub mut:
	created i64
	state   ResultState
	error   string
	data    string @[raw] // also json.RawMessage
	message string

struct WorkloadTypes #

struct WorkloadTypes {
	zmachine     string = 'zmachine'
	zmount       string = 'zmount'
	network      string = 'network'
	zdb          string = 'zdb'
	public_ip    string = 'ip'
	qsfs         string = 'qsfs'
	gateway_name string = 'gateway-name-proxy'
	gateway_fqdn string = 'gateway-fqdn-proxy'
	zlogs        string = 'zlogs'

struct ZDBBackend #

struct ZDBBackend {
	address   string // Address of backend ZDB (e.g. [300:a582:c60c:df75:f6da:8a92:d5ed:71ad]:9900 or
	namespace string // ZDB namespace.
	password  string // Namespace password.

struct ZDBGroup #

struct ZDBGroup {
	backends []ZDBBackend

struct ZLogs #

struct ZLogs {
	zmachine string // zmachine name to stream logs of
	output   string // the `target` location to stream the logs to, it must be a redis or web-socket url

fn (ZLogs) challenge #

fn (z ZLogs) challenge() string

fn (ZLogs) to_workload #

fn (z ZLogs) to_workload(args WorkloadArgs) Workload

struct ZNetworkInterface #

struct ZNetworkInterface {
pub mut:
	network string // Network name (znet name) to join
	ip      string // IP of the zmachine on this network must be a valid Ip in the selected network

struct Zdb #

struct Zdb {
pub mut:
	// size in bytes
	size     u64
	mode     ZdbMode
	password string
	public   bool

fn (Zdb) challenge #

fn (mut z Zdb) challenge() string

fn (Zdb) to_workload #

fn (z Zdb) to_workload(args WorkloadArgs) Workload

struct ZdbModes #

struct ZdbModes {
	seq  string = 'seq'
	user string = 'user'

struct ZdbResult #

struct ZdbResult {
pub mut:
	namespace string
	ips       []string
	port      u32

struct Zmachine #

struct Zmachine {
pub mut:
	flist            string // if full url means custom flist meant for containers, if just name should be an official vm
	network          ZmachineNetwork
	size             u64 // size of the rootfs disk in bytes
	compute_capacity ComputeCapacity
	mounts           []Mount
	entrypoint       string            // how to invoke that in a vm?
	env              map[string]string // environment for the zmachine
	corex            bool
	gpu              []string

fn (Zmachine) challenge #

fn (mut m Zmachine) challenge() string

fn (Zmachine) to_workload #

fn (z Zmachine) to_workload(args WorkloadArgs) Workload

struct ZmachineNetwork #

struct ZmachineNetwork {
pub mut:
	public_ip  string              // PublicIP optional public IP attached to this machine. If set it must be a valid name of a PublicIP workload in the same deployment
	interfaces []ZNetworkInterface // Interfaces list of user znets to join
	planetary  bool                // Planetary support planetary network
	mycelium   ?MyceliumIP

fn (ZmachineNetwork) challenge #

fn (mut n ZmachineNetwork) challenge() string

struct ZmachineResult #

struct ZmachineResult {
pub mut:
	// name unique per deployment, re-used in request & response
	id           string
	ip           string
	planetary_ip string
	mycelium_ip  string
	console_url  string

response of the deployment

struct Zmount #

struct Zmount {
pub mut:
	size i64 // bytes

ONLY possible on SSD

fn (Zmount) challenge #

fn (mut mount Zmount) challenge() string

fn (Zmount) to_workload #

fn (z Zmount) to_workload(args WorkloadArgs) Workload

struct ZmountResult #

struct ZmountResult {
pub mut:
	volume_id string

struct Znet #

struct Znet {
pub mut:
	// unique nr for each network chosen, this identified private networks as connected to a container or vm or ...
	// corresponds to the 2nd number of a class B ipv4 address
	// is a class C of a chosen class B
	// IPV4 subnet for this network resource
	// this must be a valid subnet of the entire network ip range.
	// for example
	subnet string
	// IP range of the network, must be an IPv4 /16
	// for example a
	ip_range string
	// wireguard private key, curve25519
	wireguard_private_key string // can be generated using `wg genkey` command
	wireguard_listen_port u16
	peers                 []Peer
	mycelium              ?Mycelium

fn (Znet) challenge #

fn (mut n Znet) challenge() string

fn (Znet) to_workload #

fn (z Znet) to_workload(args WorkloadArgs) Workload