web.openapi.gen #
OpenAPI Code Generation Module
Way structure definitions are written and arranged
Object schemas are defined in an OpenAPI Specification, which define the structure of data passed as parameters to a API Call, and data returned by the calls.
These schemas therefore require data structures that need to be defined as V struct
s in code.
Object schemas defined in the components field of the OpenAPI Specification are assumed to be 'common' to API calls defined in the specification. The struct
s representing these common object schemas are therefore defined in a model.v
After that, the schemas defined in the path operations are generated alongside the Client API Methods they belong to.
'components': {
'schemas': {
'Person': {}
'paths': {
'/new_person': {
'post': {
'parameters': [
'name': 'person_args',
'schema': {
'type': 'object'
struct Person{}
struct NewPersonArgs {}
fn new_person(person_args NewPersonArgs) Person {}
OpenAPI Handler Generator
This project provides a utility to generate VLang handler functions and a main routing function based on an OpenAPI specification. It simplifies server-side integration by automatically creating boilerplate code for handling requests and mapping them to business logic.
- Automatic Handler Generation: Generates individual handlers for each operation in the OpenAPI spec.
- Main Router Function: Creates a centralized function to route incoming requests based on operation IDs.
- Error Handling: Includes basic error handling for invalid input and unrecognized operations.
- Customizable Output: Easily extendable to handle query parameters, headers, and more.
How It Works
- Parse the OpenAPI specification.
- For each path and operation in the spec:
- Generate an individual handler function.
- Add a corresponding case in the main routing function.
- Combine everything into a single V file for easy integration.
Example Workflow
- Input: Provide an OpenAPI spec (e.g.,
). - Generated Output:
- Individual Operation Handlers:
fn (mut actor Actor) handle_listPets(data string) !string {
println('Handling listPets with data: $data')
params := json.decode(ListPetParams, data) or { return error('Invalid input data: $err') }
result := actor.data_store.list_pets(params)
return json.encode(result)
- Main Routing Function:
pub fn (mut h OpenAPIHandler) handle(req Request) !Response {
match req.operation.operation_id {
'listPets' {
println('Handling listPets for GET /pets')
response := h.actor.handle_listPets(req.body) or {
return Response{ status: http.Status.internal_server_error, body:'Internal server error: $err' }
return Response{ status: http.Status.ok, body: response }
else {
return error('Unknown operation: ${req.operation.operation_id}')
Input Requirements
- OpenAPI Specification: A valid OpenAPI 3.0 specification, either in JSON or YAML format.
- V Structs: Ensure that parameter and schema structs (e.g.,
) are defined in your project.
Example Code to Generate Handlers
import your_openapi_parser_module
fn main() {
spec := your_openapi_parser_module.parse('path/to/openapi.yaml')!
generated_code := openapi_to_handler_file(spec)
os.write_file('generated_handlers.v', generated_code) or { panic(err) }
println('Handlers successfully generated!')
fn generate_client_module #
fn generate_client_module(config ClientConfig) !Module
enum ParameterEncoding #
enum ParameterEncoding {
struct ClientConfig #
struct ClientConfig {
api_name string
paths []Path
structs []Struct
configures client to be generated
struct ClientGenerator #
struct ClientGenerator {
api_name string // name of the api the client is being generated for
client_struct Struct // the structure representing the API Client, receiver of API Call methods.
pub mut:
generated_structs []Struct
generated_methods []string
fn (ClientGenerator) generate_client_method #
fn (mut gen ClientGenerator) generate_client_method(config ClientMethodConfig) !codemodel.Function
generate_client_call generates a client method and accompanying necessary
struct ClientMethodConfig #
struct ClientMethodConfig {
receiver codemodel.Param
name string // name of method
parameters []Parameter
responses map[string]Parameter // Params mapped by http response code
method http.Method
struct Operation #
struct Operation {
name string
method http.Method
parameters []Parameter
responses map[string]Parameter // Params mapped by http response code
HTTP Operations that can be done with a given path
struct Parameter #
struct Parameter {
encoding ParameterEncoding
API Call or Response parameter.
struct Path #
struct Path {
operations []Operation