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osal #


assert ping(address:'338.8.8.8')==.unknownhost
assert ping(address:'')==.ok
assert ping(address:'')==.timeout

will do a panic if its not one of them, an unknown error


if platform()==.osx{
    //do something

pub enum PlatformType {

pub enum CPUType {


execute jobs

mut job2:=osal.exec(cmd:'ls /')?

//wont die, the result can be found in /tmp/execscripts
mut job:=osal.exec(cmd:'ls dsds',ignore_error:true)?
//this one has an error

All scripts are executed from a file from /tmp/execscripts

If the script executes well then its removed, so no leftovers, if it fails the script stays in the dir

check process logs

mut pm:=process.processmap_get()?

info returns like:

}, freeflowuniverse.crystallib.process.ProcessInfo{
        cpu_perc: 0
        mem_perc: 0
        cmd: 'mc'
        pid: 84455
        ppid: 84467
        rss: 3168
    }, freeflowuniverse.crystallib.process.ProcessInfo{
        cpu_perc: 0
        mem_perc: 0
        cmd: 'zsh -Z -g'
        pid: 84467
        ppid: 84469
        rss: 1360

fn bin_path #

fn bin_path() !string

fn cmd_add #

fn cmd_add(args_ CmdAddArgs) !

copy a binary to the right location on the local computer . e.g. is /usr/local/bin on linux . e.g. is ~/hero/bin on osx . will also add the bin location to the path of .zprofile and .zshrc (different per platform)

fn cmd_exists #

fn cmd_exists(cmd string) bool

fn cmd_exists_profile #

fn cmd_exists_profile(cmd string) bool

fn cmd_path #

fn cmd_path(cmd string) !string

is same as executing which in OS returns path or error

fn cmd_to_script_path #

fn cmd_to_script_path(cmd Command) !string

will return temporary path which then can be executed, is a helper function for making script out of command

fn cputype #

fn cputype() CPUType

fn cputype_enum_from_string #

fn cputype_enum_from_string(cpytype string) CPUType

Returns the enum value that matches the provided string for CPUType

fn dir_delete #

fn dir_delete(path string) !

remove all if it exists

fn dir_ensure #

fn dir_ensure(path string) !

remove all if it exists

fn dir_reset #

fn dir_reset(path string) !

remove all if it exists and then (re-)create

fn done_delete #

fn done_delete(key string) !

fn done_exists #

fn done_exists(key string) bool

fn done_get #

fn done_get(key string) ?string

fn done_get_int #

fn done_get_int(key string) int

fn done_get_str #

fn done_get_str(key string) string

fn done_print #

fn done_print() !

fn done_reset #

fn done_reset() !

fn done_set #

fn done_set(key string, val string) !

fn download #

fn download(args_ DownloadArgs) !pathlib.Path

if name is not specified, then will be the filename part if the last ends in an extension like .md .txt .log .text ... the file will be downloaded

fn env_get #

fn env_get(key string) !string

Returns the requested environment variable if it exists or throws an error if it does not

fn env_get_all #

fn env_get_all() map[string]string

Returns all existing environment variables

fn env_get_default #

fn env_get_default(key string, def string) string

Returns the requested environment variable if it exists or returns the provided default value if it does not

fn env_set #

fn env_set(args EnvSet)

Sets an environment if it was not set before, it overwrites the enviroment variable if it exists and if overwrite was set to true (default)

fn env_set_all #

fn env_set_all(args EnvSetAll)

Allows to set multiple enviroment variables in one go, if clear_before_set is true all existing environment variables will be unset before the operation, if overwrite_if_exists is set to true it will overwrite all existing enviromnent variables

fn env_unset #

fn env_unset(key string)

Unsets an environment variable

fn env_unset_all #

fn env_unset_all()

Unsets all environment variables

fn exec #

fn exec(cmd Command) !Job

cmd is the cmd to execute can use ' ' and spaces . if \n in cmd it will write it to ext and then execute with bash . if die==false then will just return returncode,out but not return error . if stdout will show stderr and stdout . . if cmd starts with find or ls, will give to bash -c so it can execute . if cmd has no path, path will be found . . Command argument: .

 name                             string // to give a name to your command, good to see logs...
 cmd                              string
 description                      string
 timeout                          int  = 3600 // timeout in sec
 stdout                           bool = true
 stdout_log                       bool = true
 raise_error                      bool = true // if false, will not raise an error but still error report
 ignore_error                     bool // means if error will just exit and not raise, there will be no error reporting
 work_folder                      string // location where cmd will be executed
 environment                      map[string]string // env variables
 ignore_error_codes               []int
 scriptpath                       string // is the path where the script will be put which is executed
 scriptkeep                       bool   // means we don't remove the script
 debug                            bool   // if debug will put +ex in the script which is being executed and will make sure script stays
 shell                            bool   // means we will execute it in a shell interactive
 retry                            int
 interactive 					 	bool = true // make sure we run on non interactive way
 async							 bool
 runtime							 RunTime (.bash, .python)

 returns Job:
 start  time.Time
 end    time.Time
 cmd    Command
 output []string
 error    []string
 exit_code int
 status JobStatus
 process os.Process

return Job .

fn exec_string #

fn exec_string(cmd Command) !string

cmd is the cmd to execute can use ' ' and spaces if \n in cmd it will write it to ext and then execute with bash if die==false then will just return returncode,out but not return error if stdout will show stderr and stdout

if cmd starts with find or ls, will give to bash -c so it can execute if cmd has no path, path will be found $... are remplaced by environment arguments TODO:implement

Command argument: cmd string timeout int = 600 stdout bool = true die bool = true debug bool

return what needs to be executed can give it to bash -c ...

fn execute_debug #

fn execute_debug(cmd string) !string

fn execute_interactive #

fn execute_interactive(cmd string) !

shortcut to execute a job interactive means in shell

fn execute_ok #

fn execute_ok(cmd string) bool

executes a cmd, if not error return true

fn execute_silent #

fn execute_silent(cmd string) !string

shortcut to execute a job silent

fn execute_stdout #

fn execute_stdout(cmd string) !string

shortcut to execute a job to stdout

fn file_read #

fn file_read(path string) !string

fn file_write #

fn file_write(path string, text string) !

fn get_logger #

fn get_logger() log.Logger

Returns a logger object and allows you to specify via environment argument OSAL_LOG_LEVEL the debug level

fn hero_path #

fn hero_path() !string

fn hostname #

fn hostname() !string

fn initname #

fn initname() !string

e.g. systemd, bash, zinit

fn ipaddr_pub_get #

fn ipaddr_pub_get() !string

Returns the ipaddress as known on the public side is using

fn is_linux #

fn is_linux() bool

fn is_linux_arm #

fn is_linux_arm() bool

fn is_linux_intel #

fn is_linux_intel() bool

fn is_osx #

fn is_osx() bool

fn is_osx_arm #

fn is_osx_arm() bool

fn is_osx_intel #

fn is_osx_intel() bool

fn is_ubuntu #

fn is_ubuntu() bool

fn load_env_file #

fn load_env_file(file_path string) !

fn memdb_exists #

fn memdb_exists(key string) bool

fn memdb_get #

fn memdb_get(key string) string

fn memdb_set #

fn memdb_set(key string, val string)

fn package_install #

fn package_install(name_ string) !

install a package will use right commands per platform

fn package_refresh #

fn package_refresh() !

update the package list

fn ping #

fn ping(args PingArgs) PingResult

if reached in timout result will be True address is e.g. ping means we check if the destination responds

fn platform #

fn platform() PlatformType

fn platform_enum_from_string #

fn platform_enum_from_string(platform string) PlatformType

fn process_exists #

fn process_exists(pid int) bool

fn process_exists_byname #

fn process_exists_byname(name string) !bool

fn process_kill_recursive #

fn process_kill_recursive(args ProcessKillArgs) !

kill process and all the ones underneith

fn processinfo_children #

fn processinfo_children(pid int) !ProcessMap

get all children of 1 process

fn processinfo_get #

fn processinfo_get(pid int) !ProcessInfo

get process info from 1 specific process returns

 pub struct ProcessInfo {
 pub mut:
    cpu_perc	f32
    mem_perc	f32
    cmd 		string
    pid 		int
    ppid 		int
    //resident memory
    rss			int

fn processinfo_get_byname #

fn processinfo_get_byname(name string) ![]ProcessInfo

fn processinfo_with_children #

fn processinfo_with_children(pid int) !ProcessMap

return the process and its children

fn processmap_get #

fn processmap_get() !ProcessMap

make sure to use new first, so that the connection has been initted then you can get it everywhere

fn profile_path #

fn profile_path() string

fn profile_path_add #

fn profile_path_add(args ProfilePathAddArgs) !

add the following path to a profile

fn profile_path_add_hero #

fn profile_path_add_hero() !string

fn profile_path_source #

fn profile_path_source() string

return the source statement if the profile exists

fn profile_path_source_and #

fn profile_path_source_and() string

return source $path && . or empty if it doesn't exist

fn sleep #

fn sleep(duration int)

sleep in seconds

fn tcp_port_test #

fn tcp_port_test(args TcpPortTestArgs) bool

test if a tcp port answers

 address string //
 port int = 22
 timeout u16 = 2000 // total time in milliseconds to keep on trying

fn user_add #

fn user_add(args UserArgs) !int

add's a user if the user does not exist yet

fn user_exists #

fn user_exists(username string) bool

fn user_id_get #

fn user_id_get(username string) !int

fn usr_local_path #

fn usr_local_path() !string

/usr/local on linux, ${os.home_dir()}/hero on osx

fn whoami #

fn whoami() !string

fn write_flags #

fn write_flags[T](options T) string

enum CPUType #

enum CPUType {

enum ErrorType #

enum ErrorType {

enum JobStatus #

enum JobStatus {

enum PMState #

enum PMState {

enum PingResult #

enum PingResult {
	timeout     // timeout from ping
	unknownhost // means we don't know the hostname its a dns issue

enum PlatformType #

enum PlatformType {

enum RunTime #

enum RunTime {

struct CmdAddArgs #

struct CmdAddArgs {
pub mut:
	cmdname string
	source  string @[required] // path where the binary is
	symlink bool // if rather than copy do a symlink
	reset   bool // if existing cmd will delete
	// bin_repo_url string = '' // binary where we put the results

struct Command #

struct Command {
pub mut:
	name               string // to give a name to your command, good to see logs...
	cmd                string
	description        string
	timeout            int  = 3600 // timeout in sec
	stdout             bool = true
	stdout_log         bool = true
	raise_error        bool = true // if false, will not raise an error but still error report
	ignore_error       bool              // means if error will just exit and not raise, there will be no error reporting
	work_folder        string            // location where cmd will be executed
	environment        map[string]string // env variables
	ignore_error_codes []int
	scriptpath         string // is the path where the script will be put which is executed
	scriptkeep         bool   // means we don't remove the script
	debug              bool   // if debug will put +ex in the script which is being executed and will make sure script stays
	shell              bool   // means we will execute it in a shell interactive
	retry              int
	interactive        bool = true
	async              bool
	runtime            RunTime

struct DownloadArgs #

struct DownloadArgs {
pub mut:
	name        string // optional (otherwise derived out of filename)
	url         string
	reset       bool   // will remove
	hash        string // if hash is known, will verify what hash is
	dest        string // if specified will copy to that destination	
	timeout     int = 180
	retry       int = 3
	minsize_kb  u32 = 10 // is always in kb
	maxsize_kb  u32
	expand_dir  string
	expand_file string

struct EnvSet #

struct EnvSet {
pub mut:
	key       string @[required]
	value     string @[required]
	overwrite bool = true

struct EnvSetAll #

struct EnvSetAll {
pub mut:
	env                 map[string]string
	clear_before_set    bool
	overwrite_if_exists bool = true

struct Job #

struct Job {
pub mut:
	start     time.Time
	end       time.Time
	cmd       Command
	output    string
	error     string
	exit_code int
	status    JobStatus
	process   ?&os.Process @[skip; str: skip]
	runnr     int // nr of time it runs, is for retry

fn (Job) execute_retry #

fn (mut job Job) execute_retry() !

execute the job and wait on result will retry as specified

fn (Job) execute #

fn (mut job Job) execute() !

execute the job, start process, process will not be closed . important you need to close the process later by job.close()! otherwise we get zombie processes

fn (Job) wait #

fn (mut job Job) wait() !

wait till the job finishes or goes in error

fn (Job) process #

fn (mut job Job) process() !

process (read std.err and std.out of process)

fn (Job) close #

fn (mut job Job) close() !

will wait & close

struct JobError #

struct JobError {
pub mut:
	job        Job
	error_type ErrorType

struct PingArgs #

struct PingArgs {
pub mut:
	address string @[required]
	count   u8  = 1 // the ping is successful if it got count amount of replies from the other side
	timeout u16 = 1 // the time in which the other side should respond in seconds
	retry   u8

struct ProcessInfo #

struct ProcessInfo {
pub mut:
	cpu_perc f32
	mem_perc f32
	cmd      string
	pid      int
	ppid     int // parentpid
	// resident memory
	rss int

fn (ProcessInfo) str #

fn (mut p ProcessInfo) str() string

struct ProcessKillArgs #

struct ProcessKillArgs {
pub mut:
	name string
	pid  int

struct ProcessMap #

struct ProcessMap {
pub mut:
	processes []ProcessInfo
	lastscan  time.Time
	state     PMState
	pids      []int

struct ProfilePathAddArgs #

struct ProfilePathAddArgs {
pub mut:
	path     string @[required]
	todelete string // see which one to remove

struct TcpPortTestArgs #

struct TcpPortTestArgs {
pub mut:
	address string @[required] //
	port    int = 22
	timeout u16 = 2000 // total time in milliseconds to keep on trying

struct UserArgs #

struct UserArgs {
pub mut:
	name string @[required]