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threefold.tfrobot #


Wrapper for TFGrid mass deployer tfrobot

fn config_get #

fn config_get(configname string) !DeployConfig

fn configure #

fn configure(instance string, config_ Config) !TFRobot[Config]

fn get #

fn get(instance string) !TFRobot[Config]

fn sshagent_keys_add #

fn sshagent_keys_add(mut config DeployConfig) !

get all keys from ssh_agent and add to the config

fn vm_config_get #

fn vm_config_get(configname string, name string) !VMConfig

fn vm_get #

fn vm_get(configname string, name string) !VMOutput

fn vms_get #

fn vms_get(configname string) ![]VMOutput

fn (TFRobot[Config]) cancel #

fn (mut robot TFRobot[Config]) cancel(mut config CancelConfig) !

fn (TFRobot[Config]) deploy #

fn (mut robot TFRobot[Config]) deploy(config_ DeployConfig) !DeployResult

fn (TFRobot[Config]) job_new #

fn (mut r TFRobot[Config]) job_new(job Job) !Job

fn (TFRobot[Config]) vm_deploy #

fn (mut robot TFRobot[Config]) vm_deploy(args_ VMSpecs) !VMOutput

only connect to yggdrasil and mycelium

enum Network #

enum Network {

pub struct Mount { disk_name string mount_point string }

struct CancelConfig #

struct CancelConfig {
	name        string        @[required]
	mnemonic    string        @[required]
	network     Network       @[required]
	node_groups []CancelGroup @[required]

struct CancelGroup #

struct CancelGroup {
	name string @[required]

struct Config #

struct Config {
pub mut:
	configtype string = 'tfrobot' // needs to be defined	
	mnemonics  string
	network    string = 'main'

struct DeployConfig #

struct DeployConfig {
pub mut:
	name        string
	mnemonic    string
	network     Network = .main
	node_groups []NodeGroup @[required]
	vms         []VMConfig  @[required]
	ssh_keys    map[string]string
	debug       bool

struct DeployResult #

struct DeployResult {
	ok    map[string][]VMOutput
	error map[string]string

pub struct SSHKey

struct Deployment #

struct Deployment {
	config   VMConfig
	quantity int

Deployment is an instruction to deploy a quantity of VMs with a given configuration

struct Job #

struct Job {
	name      string
	network   Network
	mneumonic string @[required]
pub mut:
	ssh_keys    map[string]string
	deployments []Deployment
	vms         map[string]VirtualMachine

fn (Job) deploy_vms #

fn (mut j Job) deploy_vms(config VMConfig, quantity int)

fn (Job) vm_get #

fn (j Job) vm_get(name string) ?VirtualMachine

vms := parse_output(result.output)! // for vm in vms { // j.vms[] = vm // } return vms }

fn (Job) add_ssh_key #

fn (mut j Job) add_ssh_key(name string, key string)

struct Mount #

struct Mount {
	disk_name   string
	mount_point string

struct NodeArgs #

struct NodeArgs {
pub mut:
	ip4       bool = true
	ip6       bool = true
	planetary bool = true
	mycelium  bool = true
	timeout   int  = 120 // timeout in sec

pub fn (vm VMOutput) ssh_interactive(key_path string) ! { // b := // node := b.node_new(ipaddr:"root@${vm.ip4}")! // node.exec_interactive('${homedir}/hero/bin/')! // time.sleep(15 * time.second) if vm.public_ip4 != '' { osal.execute_interactive('ssh -i ${key_path} root@${vm.public_ip4.all_before('/')}')! } else if vm.yggdrasil_ip != '' { osal.execute_interactive('ssh -i ${key_path} root@${vm.yggdrasil_ip}')! } else { return error('no public nor planetary ip available to use') } }

struct NodeGroup #

struct NodeGroup {
	name        string
	nodes_count int @[required]
	free_cpu    int @[required] // number of logical cores
	free_mru    int @[required] // amount of memory in GB
	free_ssd    int  // amount of ssd storage in GB
	free_hdd    int  // amount of hdd storage in GB
	dedicated   bool // are nodes dedicated
	public_ip4  bool
	public_ip6  bool
	certified   bool   // should the nodes be certified(if false the nodes could be certified of diyed)
	region      string // region could be the name of the continents the nodes are located in (africa, americas, antarctic, antarctic ocean, asia, europe, oceania, polar)

struct TFRobot #

struct TFRobot[T] {
pub mut:
	jobs map[string]Job

struct VMConfig #

struct VMConfig {
pub mut:
	name        string @[required]
	vms_count   int = 1    @[required]
	node_group  string
	cpu         int  = 4 @[required]
	mem         int  = 4 @[required]         // in GB
	public_ip4  bool = false
	public_ip6  bool = false
	ygg_ip      bool = true
	mycelium_ip bool = true
	flist       string @[required]
	entry_point string @[required]
	root_size   int = 20
	ssh_key     string
	env_vars    map[string]string

struct VMOutput #

struct VMOutput {
pub mut:
	name            string @[json: 'Name'; required]
	network_name    string @[json: 'NetworkName'; required]
	node_group      string
	deployment_name string
	public_ip4      string  @[json: 'PublicIP4'; required]
	public_ip6      string  @[json: 'PublicIP6'; required]
	yggdrasil_ip    string  @[json: 'YggIP'; required]
	mycelium_ip     string  @[json: 'MyceliumIP'; required]
	ip              string  @[json: 'IP'; required]
	mounts          []Mount @[json: 'Mounts'; required]
	node_id         u32     @[json: 'NodeID']
	contract_id     u64     @[json: 'ContractID']

fn (VMOutput) node #

fn (vm VMOutput) node(args NodeArgs) !&builder.Node

return ssh node (can be used to do actions remotely) will check all available channels till it can ssh into the node

fn (VMOutput) tcpport_addr_get #

fn (vm VMOutput) tcpport_addr_get(port int) !string

fn (VMOutput) vscode #

fn (vm VMOutput) vscode() !

pub fn (vm VMOutput) tasks_see(dag &dagu.DAG) ! { r := vm.dagu_addr_get()! // http://[302:1d81:cef8:3049:fbe1:69ba:bd8c:52ec]:8081/dags/holochain_scaffold cmd3 := "open 'http://[${r.addr}]:8081/dags/${}'" // console.print_debug(cmd3) osal.exec(cmd: cmd3)! }

fn (VMOutput) vscode_holochain #

fn (vm VMOutput) vscode_holochain() !

fn (VMOutput) vscode_holochain_proxy #

fn (vm VMOutput) vscode_holochain_proxy() !

struct VirtualMachine #

struct VirtualMachine {
	name  string
	ip4   string
	ip6   string
	yggip string
	ip    string
	// mounts []string

VirtualMachine represents the VM info outputted by tfrobot