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data.paramsparser #



    id:a1 name6:aaaaa
    name:'need to do something 1' 

assert "a1"==p.get_default("id","")!


example text to parse

id:a1 name6:aaaaa
name:'need to do something 1' 
    description can be multiline
    lets see what happens

    - a
    - something else


name2:   test
name3: hi name10:'this is with space'  name11:aaa11

name4: 'aaa'

name5:   'aab'

results in

    params: [Param{
        key: 'id'
        value: 'a1'
    }, Param{
        key: 'name6'
        value: 'aaaaa'
    }, Param{
        key: 'name'
        value: 'need to do something 1'
    }, Param{
        key: 'description'
        value: '## markdown works in it

                description can be multiline
                lets see what happens

                - a
                - something else

                ### subtitle
        }, Param{
            key: 'name2'
            value: 'test'
        }, Param{
            key: 'name3'
            value: 'hi'
        }, Param{
            key: 'name10'
            value: 'this is with space'
        }, Param{
            key: 'name11'
            value: 'aaa11'
        }, Param{
            key: 'name4'
            value: 'aaa'
        }, Param{
            key: 'name5'
            value: 'aab'

fn encode #

fn encode[T](t T, args EncodeArgs) !Params

fn from_resp #

fn from_resp(data []u8) !Params

fn importparams #

fn importparams(txt string) !Params

fn json_import #

fn json_import(data string) !Params

fn new #

fn new(txt string) !Params

get params from txt, same as parse()

fn new_from_dict #

fn new_from_dict(kwargs map[string]string) !Params

fn new_params #

fn new_params() Params

fn parse #

fn parse(text string) !Params

convert text with e.g. color:red or color:'red' to arguments multiline is supported result is params object which allows you to query the info you need params is following:

struct Params { params []Param args []Arg } struct Arg { value string } struct Param { key string value string } it has nice methods to query the params

struct EncodeArgs #

struct EncodeArgs {
	recursive bool = true

struct ExportArgs #

struct ExportArgs {
pub mut:
	presort         []string
	postsort        []string
	sortdefault     bool = true // if set will do the default sorting
	args_allowed    bool = true
	args_remove     bool
	comments_remove bool
	maxcolsize      int = 120
	oneline         bool // if set then will put all on oneline
	multiline       bool = true // if we will put the multiline strings as multiline in output
	indent          string
	pre             string // e.g. can be used to insert action e.g. !!remark.define (pre=prefix on the first line)
	skip_empty      bool

struct Param #

struct Param {
pub mut:
	key     string
	value   string
	comment string

struct Params #

struct Params {
pub mut:
	params   []Param
	args     []string
	comments []string

fn (Params) add #

fn (mut params Params) add(txt string) !

parse new txt as params and merge into params

fn (Params) check_arg_len #

fn (params &Params) check_arg_len(checknrargs int) !

fn (Params) decode #

fn (params Params) decode[T]() !T

fn (Params) decode_struct #

fn (params Params) decode_struct[T](_ T) !T

fn (Params) decode_value #

fn (params Params) decode_value[T](_ T, key string) !T

fn (Params) delete #

fn (mut params Params) delete(key string)

fn (Params) delete_arg #

fn (mut params Params) delete_arg(key string)

fn (Params) empty #

fn (p Params) empty() bool

fn (Params) equal #

fn (p Params) equal(p2 Params) bool

fn (Params) exists #

fn (params &Params) exists(key_ string) bool

check if kwarg exist line: arg1 arg2 color:red priority:'incredible' description:'with spaces, lets see if ok arg1 is an arg description is a kwarg

fn (Params) exists_arg #

fn (params &Params) exists_arg(key_ string) bool

check if arg exist (arg is just a value in the string e.g. red, not value:something) line: arg1 arg2 color:red priority:'incredible' description:'with spaces, lets see if ok arg1 is an arg description is a kwarg

fn (Params) export #

fn (p Params) export(args ExportArgs) string

standardised export format . . it outputs a default way sorted and readable .

 presort      []string
 postsort     []string
 sortdefault bool = true //if set will do the default sorting
 args_allowed bool = true
 args_remove  bool
 comments_remove bool
 maxcolsize   int = 120
 oneline      bool // if set then will put all on oneline
 multiline    bool = true // if we will put the multiline strings as multiline in output
 indent       string
 pre          string // e.g. can be used to insert action e.g. !!remark.define (pre=prefix on the first line)

fn (Params) export_json #

fn (mut params Params) export_json() string

pub struct ParamPub { pub: key string value string }

fn (Params) filter_match #

fn (params Params) filter_match(myfilter ParamsFilter) !bool

will return true if the params object match the filter (include and excludes) will first do the include filter then exclude, which means if matched and exclude is then matched won't count uses the filter_item function for each include or excluse (see further)

fn (Params) filter_match_item #

fn (params Params) filter_match_item(myfilter string) !bool

match params for 1 string based match can be e.g.- hr+development, means look for argument hr or development

  • devel*, look for an argument which starts with devel (see match_glob)
  • color:red, look for a value with key color, which has 'red' string insidematch_glob matches the string, with a Unix shell-style wildcard pattern The special characters used in shell-style wildcards are:* - matches everything? - matches any single character [seq] - matches any of the characters in the sequence [^seq] - matches any character that is NOT in the sequence Any other character in pattern, is matched 1:1 to the corresponding character in name, including / and . You can wrap the meta-characters in brackets too, i.e. [?] matches ? in the string, and [*] matches * in the string.

fn (Params) get #

fn (params &Params) get(key_ string) !string

see if the kwarg with the key exists if yes return as string trimmed

fn (Params) get_arg #

fn (params &Params) get_arg(nr int) !string

return the arg with nr, 0 is the first

fn (Params) get_arg_check #

fn (params &Params) get_arg_check(nr int, checknrargs int) !string

return the arg with nr, 0 is the first check the length of the args

fn (Params) get_arg_default #

fn (params &Params) get_arg_default(nr int, defval string) !string

return arg, if the nr is larger than amount of args, will return the defval

fn (Params) get_arg_int #

fn (params &Params) get_arg_int(nr int) !int

get arg return as int, if checknrargs is not 0, it will make sure the nr of args corresponds

fn (Params) get_arg_int_default #

fn (params &Params) get_arg_int_default(nr int, defval int) !int

get arg return as int. defval is the default value specified

fn (Params) get_currencyamount #

fn (params &Params) get_currencyamount(key string) !currency.Amount

Todo: fix if necessarysee currency object, gets it from params

fn (Params) get_currencyamount_default #

fn (params &Params) get_currencyamount_default(key string, defval string) !currency.Amount

fn (Params) get_currencyfloat #

fn (params &Params) get_currencyfloat(key string) !f64

get currency expressed in float in line to currency passed

fn (Params) get_currencyfloat_default #

fn (params &Params) get_currencyfloat_default(key string, defval f64) !f64

fn (Params) get_default #

fn (params &Params) get_default(key string, defval string) !string

get kwarg return as string, ifn't exist return the defval line: arg1 arg2 color:red priority:'incredible' description:'with spaces, lets see if ok arg1 is an arg description is a kwarg

fn (Params) get_default_false #

fn (params &Params) get_default_false(key string) bool

fn (Params) get_default_true #

fn (params &Params) get_default_true(key string) bool

fn (Params) get_email #

fn (params &Params) get_email(key string) !string

fn (Params) get_emails #

fn (params &Params) get_emails(key string) ![]string

fn (Params) get_emails_default #

fn (params &Params) get_emails_default(key string, default []string) ![]string

fn (Params) get_float #

fn (params &Params) get_float(key string) !f64

fn (Params) get_float_default #

fn (params &Params) get_float_default(key string, defval f64) !f64

fn (Params) get_from_hashmap #

fn (params &Params) get_from_hashmap(key_ string, defval string, hashmap map[string]string) !string

fn (Params) get_int #

fn (params &Params) get_int(key string) !int

get kwarg return as int line: arg1 arg2 color:red priority:'incredible' description:'with spaces, lets see if ok arg1 is an arg description is a kwarg

fn (Params) get_int_default #

fn (params &Params) get_int_default(key string, defval int) !int

get kwarg return as int, if it doesnt' exist return a default line: arg1 arg2 color:red priority:'incredible' description:'with spaces, lets see if ok arg1 is an arg description is a kwarg

fn (Params) get_list #

fn (params &Params) get_list(key string) ![]string

Looks for a list of strings in the parameters. If it doesn't exist this function will return an error. Furthermore an error will be returned if the list is not properly formatted Examples of valid lists: ["example", "another_example", "yes"] ['example', 'another_example'] ['example "yes yes"', "another_example", "yes"] Invalid examples: [example, example, example] ['example, example, example]

fn (Params) get_list_default #

fn (params &Params) get_list_default(key string, def []string) ![]string

Looks for a list of strings in the parameters. If it doesn't exist this function the provided default value. Furthermore an error will be returned if the parameter exists and it's not a valid list. Please look at get_list for examples of valid and invalid lists

fn (Params) get_list_f32 #

fn (params &Params) get_list_f32(key string) ![]f32

Looks for a list of f32 with the provided key. If it does not exist an error is returned.

fn (Params) get_list_f32_default #

fn (params &Params) get_list_f32_default(key string, def []f32) []f32

Looks for a list of f32 with the provided key. If it does not exist the provided default value is returned.

fn (Params) get_list_f64 #

fn (params &Params) get_list_f64(key string) ![]f64

Looks for a list of f64 with the provided key. If it does not exist an error is returned.

fn (Params) get_list_f64_default #

fn (params &Params) get_list_f64_default(key string, def []f64) []f64

Looks for a list of f64 with the provided key. If it does not exist the provided default value is returned.

fn (Params) get_list_i16 #

fn (params &Params) get_list_i16(key string) ![]i16

Looks for a list of i16 with the provided key. If it does not exist an error is returned.

fn (Params) get_list_i16_default #

fn (params &Params) get_list_i16_default(key string, def []i16) []i16

Looks for a list of i16 with the provided key. If it does not exist the provided default value is returned.

fn (Params) get_list_i64 #

fn (params &Params) get_list_i64(key string) ![]i64

Looks for a list of i64 with the provided key. If it does not exist an error is returned.

fn (Params) get_list_i64_default #

fn (params &Params) get_list_i64_default(key string, def []i64) []i64

Looks for a list of i64 with the provided key. If it does not exist the provided default value is returned.

fn (Params) get_list_i8 #

fn (params &Params) get_list_i8(key string) ![]i8

Looks for a list of i8 with the provided key. If it does not exist an error is returned.

fn (Params) get_list_i8_default #

fn (params &Params) get_list_i8_default(key string, def []i8) []i8

Looks for a list of i8 with the provided key. If it does not exist the provided default value is returned.

fn (Params) get_list_int #

fn (params &Params) get_list_int(key string) ![]int

Looks for a list of int with the provided key. If it does not exist an error is returned.

fn (Params) get_list_int_default #

fn (params &Params) get_list_int_default(key string, def []int) []int

Looks for a list of int with the provided key. If it does not exist the provided default value is returned.

fn (Params) get_list_namefix #

fn (params &Params) get_list_namefix(key string) ![]string

Looks for a list of strings in the parameters. If it doesn't exist this function returns an error. Furthermore an error will be returned if the parameter exists and it's not a valid list. The items in the list will be namefixed

fn (Params) get_list_namefix_default #

fn (params &Params) get_list_namefix_default(key string, def []string) ![]string

Looks for a list of strings in the parameters. If it doesn't exist this function returns the provided default value. Furthermore an error will be returned if the parameter exists and it's not a valid list. The items in the list will be namefixed

fn (Params) get_list_u16 #

fn (params &Params) get_list_u16(key string) ![]u16

Looks for a list of u16 with the provided key. If it does not exist an error is returned.

fn (Params) get_list_u16_default #

fn (params &Params) get_list_u16_default(key string, def []u16) []u16

Looks for a list of u16 with the provided key. If it does not exist the provided default value is returned.

fn (Params) get_list_u32 #

fn (params &Params) get_list_u32(key string) ![]u32

Looks for a list of u32 with the provided key. If it does not exist an error is returned.

fn (Params) get_list_u32_default #

fn (params &Params) get_list_u32_default(key string, def []u32) []u32

Looks for a list of u32 with the provided key. If it does not exist the provided default value is returned.

fn (Params) get_list_u64 #

fn (params &Params) get_list_u64(key string) ![]u64

Looks for a list of u64 with the provided key. If it does not exist an error is returned.

fn (Params) get_list_u64_default #

fn (params &Params) get_list_u64_default(key string, def []u64) []u64

Looks for a list of u64 with the provided key. If it does not exist the provided default value is returned.

fn (Params) get_list_u8 #

fn (params &Params) get_list_u8(key string) ![]u8

Looks for a list of u8 with the provided key. If it does not exist an error is returned.

fn (Params) get_list_u8_default #

fn (params &Params) get_list_u8_default(key string, def []u8) []u8

Looks for a list of u8 with the provided key. If it does not exist the provided default value is returned.

fn (Params) get_map #

fn (params &Params) get_map() map[string]string

fn (Params) get_params #

fn (params &Params) get_params(key string) !Params

Looks for a string of params in the parameters. If it doesn't exist this function will return an error. Furthermore an error will be returned if the params is not properly formatted

fn (Params) get_path #

fn (params &Params) get_path(key string) !string

fn (Params) get_path_create #

fn (params &Params) get_path_create(key string) !string

create the path if it doesn't exist

fn (Params) get_percentage #

fn (params &Params) get_percentage(key string) !f64

fn (Params) get_percentage_default #

fn (params &Params) get_percentage_default(key string, defval string) !f64

fn (Params) get_storagecapacity_in_bytes #

fn (params &Params) get_storagecapacity_in_bytes(key string) !u64

convert GB, MB, KB to bytes e.g. 10 GB becomes bytes in u64

fn (Params) get_storagecapacity_in_bytes_default #

fn (params &Params) get_storagecapacity_in_bytes_default(key string, defval u64) !u64

fn (Params) get_storagecapacity_in_gigabytes #

fn (params &Params) get_storagecapacity_in_gigabytes(key string) !u64

Parses the provided value to gigabytes, the value is rounded up while doing so.

fn (Params) get_telnr #

fn (params &Params) get_telnr(key string) !string

fn (Params) get_telnrs #

fn (params &Params) get_telnrs(key string) ![]string

fn (Params) get_telnrs_default #

fn (params &Params) get_telnrs_default(key string, default []string) ![]string

fn (Params) get_time #

fn (params &Params) get_time(key string) !ourtime.OurTime

Get Expiration object from time string input input can be either relative or absolute## Relative time

time periods:

  • s -> second
  • h -> hour
  • d -> day
  • w -> week
  • M -> month
  • Q -> quarter
  • Y -> year0 means right now input string example: "+1w +2d -4h"## Absolute timeinputs must be of the form: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" or "YYYY-MM-DD" input string examples: '2022-12-5 20:14:35' '2022-12-5' - sets hours, mins, seconds to 00

fn (Params) get_time_default #

fn (params &Params) get_time_default(key string, defval ourtime.OurTime) !ourtime.OurTime

fn (Params) get_time_interval #

fn (params &Params) get_time_interval(key string) !Duration

calculate difference in time, returled as u64 (is Duration type) format e.g. QUESTION: splitting by - doesn't work? Alternative?

fn (Params) get_timestamp #

fn (params &Params) get_timestamp(key string) !Duration

Parses a timestamp. Can be 12h or 24h format

fn (Params) get_timestamp_default #

fn (params &Params) get_timestamp_default(key string, defval Duration) !Duration

fn (Params) get_u32 #

fn (params &Params) get_u32(key string) !u32

fn (Params) get_u32_default #

fn (params &Params) get_u32_default(key string, defval u32) !u32

fn (Params) get_u64 #

fn (params &Params) get_u64(key string) !u64

fn (Params) get_u64_default #

fn (params &Params) get_u64_default(key string, defval u64) !u64

fn (Params) get_u8 #

fn (params &Params) get_u8(key string) !u8

fn (Params) get_u8_default #

fn (params &Params) get_u8_default(key string, defval u8) !u8

fn (Params) heroscript #

fn (p Params) heroscript() string

fn (Params) hexhash #

fn (p Params) hexhash() string

returns a unique sha256 in hex, will allways return the same independent of order of params

fn (Params) len_arg #

fn (params &Params) len_arg() int

fn (Params) merge #

fn (mut params Params) merge(params_to_merge Params) !

fn (Params) replace #

fn (mut params Params) replace(args map[string]string)

find parts of text in PARAM values which are of form {NAME}, and replace those . . will walk over all elements of the params, and then replace all the values . . NAME is as follows: . Uppercase letters: A-Z . Lowercase letters: a-z . Digits: 0-9 . Underscore: _ . . the NAME is key of the map, the val of the map is what we replace with

fn (Params) replace_from_params #

fn (mut params Params) replace_from_params(params_ Params)

fn (Params) set #

fn (mut params Params) set(key string, value string)

fn (Params) set_arg #

fn (mut params Params) set_arg(value string)

fn (Params) set_arg_with_comment #

fn (mut params Params) set_arg_with_comment(value string, comment string)

fn (Params) set_with_comment #

fn (mut params Params) set_with_comment(key string, value string, comment string)

fn (Params) to_resp #

fn (mut p Params) to_resp() ![]u8

encode using resp (redis procotol)

struct ParamsFilter #

struct ParamsFilter {
pub mut:
	include []string
	exclude []string