threefold.tfgrid_actions #
heroscript actions handlers
takes input in heroscript language and can then call v clients to talk to e.g. web3gw, web3gw is proxy in golang to tfgrid functionality.
- For documentation on how to use heroscript, refer to this document here
todo: update doc
To add new books to the parser, follow these instructions:
Create a new module inside the threelang folder
Inside the new module, create a new handler for this book.
While creating a new Runner, the new handler should be initialized, then saved to the Runner's state.
The new handler should have its actions exposed in the method
The new handler must implement a handle_action method.
The handle_action method receives an playbook.Action, and executes the action however it sees fit.
Handlers are responsible for logging their output, if any.
To add documentation on how to use the new book, create a new folder here with the book's name, and add all needed documentation files in this folder.
fn get_clients #
fn get_clients(mut rpc_client RpcWsClient) !Clients
fn new #
fn new(args RunnerArgs, debug_log bool) !Runner
struct Runner #
struct Runner {
pub mut:
path string
clients Clients
tfgrid_handler TFGridHandler
web3gw_handler Web3GWHandler
stellar_handler StellarHandler
fn (Runner) run #
fn (mut r Runner) run(mut acs playbook.Actions) !
struct RunnerArgs #
struct RunnerArgs {
pub mut:
name string
path string
address string