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threefold.gridproxy.model #

fn (ByteUnit) to_megabytes #

fn (u ByteUnit) to_megabytes() f64

fn (ByteUnit) to_gigabytes #

fn (u ByteUnit) to_gigabytes() f64

fn (ByteUnit) to_terabytes #

fn (u ByteUnit) to_terabytes() f64

fn (ByteUnit) str #

fn (u ByteUnit) str() string

type ContractGetter #

type ContractGetter = fn (ContractFilter) ![]Contract

fn (DropTFTUnit) to_tft #

fn (t DropTFTUnit) to_tft() f64

fn (DropTFTUnit) to_mtft #

fn (t DropTFTUnit) to_mtft() f64

fn (DropTFTUnit) to_utft #

fn (t DropTFTUnit) to_utft() f64

fn (DropTFTUnit) str #

fn (u DropTFTUnit) str() string

type FarmGetter #

type FarmGetter = fn (FarmFilter) ![]Farm

type NodeGetter #

type NodeGetter = fn (NodeFilter) ![]Node

fn (SecondUnit) to_minutes #

fn (u SecondUnit) to_minutes() f64

fn (SecondUnit) to_hours #

fn (u SecondUnit) to_hours() f64

fn (SecondUnit) to_days #

fn (u SecondUnit) to_days() f64

fn (SecondUnit) str #

fn (u SecondUnit) str() string

type TwinGetter #

type TwinGetter = fn (TwinFilter) ![]Twin

fn (UnixTime) to_time #

fn (t UnixTime) to_time() Time

fn (UnixTime) str #

fn (t UnixTime) str() string

enum NodeStatus #

enum NodeStatus {

struct Bill #

struct Bill {
	amount_billed     u64      @[json: amountBilled]
	timestamp         UnixTime @[json: timestamp]
	discount_received string   @[json: discountReceived]

struct Contract #

struct Contract {
	contract_id   u64
	twin_id       u64
	state         string              @[json: state]
	created_at    UnixTime            @[json: created_at]
	contract_type string              @[json: 'type']
	details       NodeContractDetails @[json: details]

struct ContractBilling #

struct ContractBilling {
	amount_billed     DropTFTUnit @[json: amountBilled]
	discount_received string      @[json: discountReceived]
	timestamp         UnixTime    @[json: timestamp]

struct ContractFilter #

struct ContractFilter {
pub mut:
	page                 OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	size                 OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	ret_count            OptionBool = EmptyOption{}
	randomize            OptionBool = EmptyOption{}
	contract_id          OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	twin_id              OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	node_id              OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	contract_type        string
	state                string
	name                 string
	number_of_public_ips OptionU64 = EmptyOption{}
	deployment_data      string
	deployment_hash      string

fn (ContractFilter) to_map #

fn (f &ContractFilter) to_map() map[string]string

serialize ContractFilter to map

struct ContractIterator #

struct ContractIterator {
pub mut:
	filter ContractFilter
	get_func ContractGetter @[required]

fn (ContractIterator) next #

fn (mut i ContractIterator) next() ?[]Contract

struct Farm #

struct Farm {
	name               string
	farm_id            u64    @[json: farmId]
	twin_id            u64    @[json: twinId]
	pricing_policy_id  u64    @[json: pricingPolicyId]
	certification_type string @[json: certificationType]
	stellar_address    string @[json: stellarAddress]
	dedicated          bool
	public_ips         []PublicIP @[json: publicIps]

struct FarmFilter #

struct FarmFilter {
pub mut:
	page               OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	size               OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	ret_count          OptionBool = EmptyOption{}
	randomize          OptionBool = EmptyOption{}
	free_ips           OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	total_ips          OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	stellar_address    string
	pricing_policy_id  OptionU64 = EmptyOption{}
	farm_id            OptionU64 = EmptyOption{}
	twin_id            OptionU64 = EmptyOption{}
	name               string
	name_contains      string
	certification_type string
	dedicated          OptionBool = EmptyOption{}
	country            string
	node_free_mru      OptionU64 = EmptyOption{}
	node_free_hru      OptionU64 = EmptyOption{}
	node_free_sru      OptionU64 = EmptyOption{}
	node_status        string
	node_rented_by     OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	node_available_for OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	node_has_gpu       OptionBool = EmptyOption{}
	node_certified     OptionBool = EmptyOption{}

fn (FarmFilter) to_map #

fn (f &FarmFilter) to_map() map[string]string

serialize FarmFilter to map

struct FarmIterator #

struct FarmIterator {
pub mut:
	filter FarmFilter
	get_func FarmGetter @[required]

fn (FarmIterator) next #

fn (mut i FarmIterator) next() ?[]Farm

struct GridStat #

struct GridStat {
	nodes              u64
	farms              u64
	countries          u64
	total_cru          u64      @[json: totalCru]
	total_sru          ByteUnit @[json: totalSru]
	total_mru          ByteUnit @[json: totalMru]
	total_hru          ByteUnit @[json: totalHru]
	public_ips         u64      @[json: publicIps]
	access_nodes       u64      @[json: accessNodes]
	gateways           u64
	twins              u64
	contracts          u64
	nodes_distribution map[string]u64 @[json: nodesDistribution]

struct Node #

struct Node {
	id                string
	node_id           u64 @[json: nodeId]
	farm_id           u64 @[json: farmId]
	twin_id           u64 @[json: twinId]
	grid_version      u64 @[json: gridVersion]
	uptime            SecondUnit
	created           UnixTime @[json: created]
	farming_policy_id u64      @[json: farmingPolicyId]
	updated_at        UnixTime @[json: updatedAt]
	capacity          NodeCapacity
	location          NodeLocation
	public_config     PublicConfig @[json: publicConfig]
	certification     string       @[json: certificationType]
	status            string
	dedicated         bool
	healthy           bool
	rent_contract_id  u64 @[json: rentContractId]
	rented_by_twin_id u64 @[json: rentedByTwinId]

fn (Node) calc_available_resources #

fn (n &Node) calc_available_resources() NodeResources

calc_available_resources calculate the reservable capacity of the node.

Returns: NodeResources

fn (Node) is_online #

fn (n &Node) is_online() bool

is_online returns true if the node is online, otherwise false.

struct NodeCapacity #

struct NodeCapacity {
	total_resources NodeResources
	used_resources  NodeResources

struct NodeContractDetails #

struct NodeContractDetails {
	node_id              u64    @[json: nodeId]
	deployment_data      string @[json: deployment_data]
	deployment_hash      string @[json: deployment_hash]
	number_of_public_ips u64    @[json: number_of_public_ips]

struct NodeFilter #

struct NodeFilter {
pub mut:
	page               OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	size               OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	ret_count          OptionBool = EmptyOption{}
	randomize          OptionBool = EmptyOption{}
	free_mru           OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	free_sru           OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	free_hru           OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	free_ips           OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	total_mru          OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	total_sru          OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	total_hru          OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	total_cru          OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	city               string
	city_contains      string
	country            string
	country_contains   string
	farm_name          string
	farm_name_contains string
	ipv4               OptionBool = EmptyOption{}
	ipv6               OptionBool = EmptyOption{}
	domain             OptionBool = EmptyOption{}
	status             string
	dedicated          OptionBool = EmptyOption{}
	healthy            OptionBool = EmptyOption{}
	rentable           OptionBool = EmptyOption{}
	rented_by          OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	rented             OptionBool = EmptyOption{}
	available_for      OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	farm_ids           []u64
	node_id            OptionU64 = EmptyOption{}
	twin_id            OptionU64 = EmptyOption{}
	certification_type string
	has_gpu            OptionBool = EmptyOption{}
	gpu_device_id      string
	gpu_device_name    string
	gpu_vendor_id      string
	gpu_vendor_name    string
	gpu_available      OptionBool = EmptyOption{}

fn (NodeFilter) to_map #

fn (p &NodeFilter) to_map() map[string]string

serialize NodeFilter to map

struct NodeIterator #

struct NodeIterator {
pub mut:
	filter NodeFilter
	get_func NodeGetter @[required]

fn (NodeIterator) next #

fn (mut i NodeIterator) next() ?[]Node

struct NodeLocation #

struct NodeLocation {
	country string
	city    string

struct NodeResources #

struct NodeResources {
	cru u64
	mru ByteUnit
	sru ByteUnit
	hru ByteUnit

struct NodeStatisticsResources #

struct NodeStatisticsResources {
	cru   u64
	hru   ByteUnit
	ipv4u u64
	mru   ByteUnit
	sru   ByteUnit

struct NodeStatisticsUsers #

struct NodeStatisticsUsers {
	deployments u64
	workloads   u64

struct NodeStats #

struct NodeStats {
	system NodeStatisticsResources

	total NodeStatisticsResources

	used NodeStatisticsResources

	users NodeStatisticsUsers

struct Node_ #

struct Node_ {
	id                string
	node_id           u64 @[json: nodeId]
	farm_id           u64 @[json: farmId]
	twin_id           u64 @[json: twinId]
	grid_version      u64 @[json: gridVersion]
	uptime            SecondUnit
	created           UnixTime @[json: created]
	farming_policy_id u64      @[json: farmingPolicyId]
	updated_at        UnixTime @[json: updatedAt]
	total_resources   NodeResources
	used_resources    NodeResources
	location          NodeLocation
	public_config     PublicConfig @[json: publicConfig]
	certification     string       @[json: certificationType]
	status            string
	dedicated         bool
	healthy           bool
	rent_contract_id  u64 @[json: rentContractId]
	rented_by_twin_id u64 @[json: rentedByTwinId]

this is ugly, but it works. we need two models for Node and reimplemnt the same fields expcept for capacity srtucture it's a hack to make the json parser work as the gridproxy API have some inconsistencies see for more context:

fn (Node_) with_nested_capacity #

fn (n &Node_) with_nested_capacity() Node

with_nested_capacity enable the client to have one representation of the node model

struct PublicConfig #

struct PublicConfig {
	domain string
	gw4    string
	gw6    string
	ipv4   string
	ipv6   string

struct PublicIP #

struct PublicIP {
	id          string
	ip          string
	farm_id     string @[json: farmId]
	contract_id int    @[json: contractId]
	gateway     string

struct ResourceFilter #

struct ResourceFilter {
pub mut:
	free_mru_gb u64
	free_sru_gb u64
	free_hru_gb u64
	free_cpu    u64
	free_ips    u64

struct StatFilter #

struct StatFilter {
pub mut:
	status NodeStatus

struct Twin #

struct Twin {
	twin_id    u64    @[json: twinId]
	account_id string @[json: accountId]
	ip         string

struct TwinFilter #

struct TwinFilter {
pub mut:
	page       OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	size       OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	ret_count  OptionBool = EmptyOption{}
	randomize  OptionBool = EmptyOption{}
	twin_id    OptionU64  = EmptyOption{}
	account_id string
	relay      string
	public_key string

fn (TwinFilter) to_map #

fn (p &TwinFilter) to_map() map[string]string

serialize TwinFilter to map

struct TwinIterator #

struct TwinIterator {
pub mut:
	filter TwinFilter
	get_func TwinGetter @[required]

fn (TwinIterator) next #

fn (mut i TwinIterator) next() ?[]Twin