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osal.systemd #

a sal to work with systemd

only basics implemented as we need for our installers

example see crystallib/examples/...

fn check #

fn check() !bool

check if systemd is on system, returns True if yes

fn journalctl #

fn journalctl(args JournalArgs) !string

fn new #

fn new() !Systemd

fn process_list #

fn process_list() ![]SystemdProcessInfo

enum ActiveState #

enum ActiveState {
	active       // The unit has been started successfully and is running as expected.
	inactive     // The unit is not running.
	activating   // The unit is in the process of being started.
	deactivating // The unit is in the process of being stopped.
	failed       // The unit tried to start but failed.

enum LoadState #

enum LoadState {
	loaded    // The unit's configuration file has been successfully loaded into memory.
	not_found // The unit's configuration file could not be found.
	error     // There was an error loading the unit's configuration file.
	masked    // The unit has been masked, which means it has been explicitly disabled and cannot be started.

enum SubState #

enum SubState {
	running // The service is currently running.
	exited  // The service has completed its process and exited. For services that do something at startup and then exit (oneshot services), this is a normal state.
	failed  // The service has failed after starting.
	waiting // The service is waiting for some condition to be met.

This provides more detailed information about the unit's state, often referred to as the "sub-state". This can vary significantly between different types of units (services, sockets, timers, etc.)

struct JournalArgs #

struct JournalArgs {
	service string // name of service for which logs will be retrieved
	limit   int = 100 // number of last log lines to be shown

struct Systemd #

struct Systemd {
pub mut:
	processes []&SystemdProcess
	path      pathlib.Path
	path_cmd  pathlib.Path

import freeflowuniverse.crystallib.clients.redisclient

fn (Systemd) new #

fn (mut systemd Systemd) new(args_ SystemdProcessNewArgs) !SystemdProcess
 name      string            @[required]
 cmd       string            @[required]
 description string @[required]

fn (Systemd) names #

fn (mut systemd Systemd) names() []string

fn (Systemd) get #

fn (mut systemd Systemd) get(name_ string) !&SystemdProcess

fn (Systemd) exists #

fn (mut systemd Systemd) exists(name_ string) bool

struct SystemdProcess #

struct SystemdProcess {
pub mut:
	name        string
	unit        string // as generated or used by systemd
	cmd         string
	pid         int
	env         map[string]string
	systemd     &Systemd @[skip; str: skip]
	description string
	info        SystemdProcessInfo
	restart     bool = true // whether process will be restarted upon failure

fn (SystemdProcess) servicefile_path #

fn (mut self SystemdProcess) servicefile_path() string

fn (SystemdProcess) write #

fn (mut self SystemdProcess) write() !

fn (SystemdProcess) start #

fn (mut self SystemdProcess) start() !

fn (SystemdProcess) refresh #

fn (mut self SystemdProcess) refresh() !

get status from system

fn (SystemdProcess) delete #

fn (mut self SystemdProcess) delete() !

fn (SystemdProcess) stop #

fn (mut self SystemdProcess) stop() !

fn (SystemdProcess) restart #

fn (mut self SystemdProcess) restart() !

fn (SystemdProcess) status #

fn (self SystemdProcess) status() !SystemdStatus

struct SystemdProcessInfo #

struct SystemdProcessInfo {
pub mut:
	unit         string
	load_state   LoadState
	active_state ActiveState
	sub_state    SubState
	description  string

struct SystemdProcessNewArgs #

struct SystemdProcessNewArgs {
pub mut:
	name        string @[required]
	cmd         string @[required]
	description string
	env         map[string]string
	start       bool = true
	restart     bool = true