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clients.meilisearch #

Meilisearch V Client

This is a simple V client for interacting with a self-hosted Meilisearch instance, enabling you to perform operations such as adding, retrieving, deleting, and searching documents within indexes.

Getting Started with Self-Hosted Meilisearch

To use this V client, ensure you have a self-hosted Meilisearch instance installed and running.

This quick start will walk you through installing Meilisearch, adding documents, and performing your first search.


To follow this setup, you will need curl installed

Setup and Installation

To install Meilisearch locally, run the following command:

##curl -L | sh

Running Meilisearch

Start Meilisearch with the following command, replacing "aSampleMasterKey" with your preferred master key:

##meilisearch --master-key='aSampleMasterKey'

Running the V Client Tests

This client includes various test cases that demonstrate common operations in Meilisearch, such as creating indexes, adding documents, retrieving documents, deleting documents, and performing searches. To run the tests, you can use the following commands:

##v -enable-globals -stats crystallib/clients/meilisearch/document_test.v

##v -enable-globals -stats crystallib/clients/meilisearch/index_test.v

Example: Getting Meilisearch Server Version

Here is a quick example of how to retrieve the Meilisearch server version using this V client:

import freeflowuniverse.crystallib.clients.meilisearch

mut client := meilisearch.get() or { panic(err) }
version := client.version() or { panic(err) }
println('Meilisearch version: $version')

This example connects to your local Meilisearch instance and prints the server version to verify your setup is correct.

Constants #

const version = '1.0.0'

fn get #

fn get(args_ ArgsGet) !&MeilisearchClient

fn heroscript_default #

fn heroscript_default() !string


fn play #

fn play(args_ PlayArgs) !

fn switch #

fn switch(name string)

switch instance to be used for meilisearch

struct ArgsGet #

struct ArgsGet {
pub mut:
	name string = 'default'


struct ClientConfig #

struct ClientConfig {
	host      string // Base URL of Meilisearch server (e.g., "http://localhost:7700")
	api_key   string // Master key or API key for authentication
	timeout   int = 30 // Request timeout in seconds
	max_retry int = 3  // Maximum number of retries for failed requests

ClientConfig holds configuration for MeilisearchClient

struct CreateIndexArgs #

struct CreateIndexArgs {
pub mut:
	uid         string
	primary_key string @[json: 'primaryKey']

CreateIndexArgs represents the arguments for creating an index

struct CreateIndexResponse #

struct CreateIndexResponse {
pub mut:
	uid         int    @[json: 'taskUid']
	index_uid   string @[json: 'indexUid']
	status      string @[json: 'status']
	type_       string @[json: 'type']
	enqueued_at string @[json: 'enqueuedAt']

IndexCreation represents information about the index creation

struct DeleteIndexResponse #

struct DeleteIndexResponse {
pub mut:
	uid         int    @[json: 'taskUid']
	index_uid   string @[json: 'indexUid']
	status      string @[json: 'status']
	type_       string @[json: 'type']
	enqueued_at string @[json: 'enqueuedAt']

DeleteIndexResponse represents information about the index deletion

struct DocumentsQuery #

struct DocumentsQuery {
pub mut:
	limit  int = 20
	offset int
	fields []string
	filter string
	sort   []string

DocumentsQuery represents query parameters for document operations

struct EperimentalFeaturesArgs #

struct EperimentalFeaturesArgs {
pub mut:
	vector_store               bool @[json: 'vectorStore']
	metrics                    bool @[json: 'metrics']
	logs_route                 bool @[json: 'logsRoute']
	contains_filter            bool @[json: 'containsFilter']
	edit_documents_by_function bool @[json: 'editDocumentsByFunction']

struct GetIndexResponse #

struct GetIndexResponse {
pub mut:
	uid         string @[json: 'uid']
	created_at  string @[json: 'createdAt']
	updated_at  string @[json: 'updatedAt']
	primary_key string @[json: 'primaryKey']

IndexCreation represents information about the index creation

struct Health #

struct Health {
	status string @[json: 'status']

Health represents the health status of the Meilisearch server

struct IndexSettings #

struct IndexSettings {
pub mut:
	ranking_rules         []string            @[json: 'rankingRules']
	distinct_attribute    string              @[json: 'distinctAttribute']
	searchable_attributes []string            @[json: 'searchableAttributes']
	displayed_attributes  []string            @[json: 'displayedAttributes']
	stop_words            []string            @[json: 'stopWords']
	synonyms              map[string][]string @[json: 'synonyms']
	filterable_attributes []string            @[json: 'filterableAttributes']
	sortable_attributes   []string            @[json: 'sortableAttributes']
	typo_tolerance        TypoTolerance       @[json: 'typoTolerance']

IndexSettings represents all configurable settings for an index

struct ListIndexArgs #

struct ListIndexArgs {
pub mut:
	limit  int = 20
	offset int

ListIndexArgs represents the arguments for listing indexes

struct ListResponse #

struct ListResponse[T] {
pub mut:
	results []T
	total   int
	offset  int
	limit   int

ListIndexResponse represents information about the index list

struct MeilisearchClient #

struct MeilisearchClient {
pub mut:
	name    string = 'default'
	api_key string @[secret]
	host    string


fn (MeilisearchClient) add_documents #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) add_documents[T](uid string, documents []T) !AddDocumentResponse

add_documents adds documents to an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) create_index #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) create_index(args CreateIndexArgs) !CreateIndexResponse

create_index creates a new index with the given UID

fn (MeilisearchClient) delete_all_documents #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) delete_all_documents(uid string) !DeleteDocumentResponse

delete_all_documents deletes all documents in an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) delete_document #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) delete_document(args DeleteDocumentArgs) !DeleteDocumentResponse

delete_document deletes one document by its id

fn (MeilisearchClient) delete_index #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) delete_index(uid string) !DeleteIndexResponse

delete_index deletes an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) enable_eperimental_feature #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) enable_eperimental_feature(args EperimentalFeaturesArgs) !EperimentalFeaturesArgs

fn (MeilisearchClient) get_displayed_attributes #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) get_displayed_attributes(uid string) ![]string

get_displayed_attributes retrieves displayed attributes of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) get_distinct_attribute #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) get_distinct_attribute(uid string) !string

get_distinct_attribute retrieves distinct attribute of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) get_document #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) get_document[T](args GetDocumentArgs) !T

get_document retrieves one document by its id

fn (MeilisearchClient) get_documents #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) get_documents[T](uid string, query DocumentsQuery) ![]T

get_documents retrieves documents with optional parameters

fn (MeilisearchClient) get_filterable_attributes #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) get_filterable_attributes(uid string) ![]string

get_filterable_attributes retrieves filterable attributes of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) get_index #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) get_index(uid string) !GetIndexResponse

get_index retrieves information about an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) get_ranking_rules #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) get_ranking_rules(uid string) ![]string

get_ranking_rules retrieves ranking rules of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) get_searchable_attributes #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) get_searchable_attributes(uid string) ![]string

get_searchable_attributes retrieves searchable attributes of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) get_settings #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) get_settings(uid string) !IndexSettings

get_settings retrieves all settings of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) get_sortable_attributes #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) get_sortable_attributes(uid string) ![]string

get_sortable_attributes retrieves sortable attributes of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) get_stop_words #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) get_stop_words(uid string) ![]string

get_stop_words retrieves stop words of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) get_synonyms #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) get_synonyms(uid string) !map[string][]string

get_synonyms retrieves synonyms of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) get_typo_tolerance #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) get_typo_tolerance(uid string) !TypoTolerance

get_typo_tolerance retrieves typo tolerance settings of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) health #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) health() !Health

health checks if the server is healthy

fn (MeilisearchClient) list_indexes #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) list_indexes(args ListIndexArgs) ![]GetIndexResponse

list_indexes retrieves all indexes

fn (MeilisearchClient) reset_displayed_attributes #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) reset_displayed_attributes(uid string) !string

reset_displayed_attributes resets displayed attributes of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) reset_distinct_attribute #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) reset_distinct_attribute(uid string) !string

reset_distinct_attribute resets distinct attribute of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) reset_filterable_attributes #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) reset_filterable_attributes(uid string) !string

reset_filterable_attributes resets filterable attributes of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) reset_ranking_rules #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) reset_ranking_rules(uid string) !string

reset_ranking_rules resets ranking rules of an index to default values

fn (MeilisearchClient) reset_searchable_attributes #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) reset_searchable_attributes(uid string) !string

reset_searchable_attributes resets searchable attributes of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) reset_settings #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) reset_settings(uid string) !string

reset_settings resets all settings of an index to default values

fn (MeilisearchClient) reset_sortable_attributes #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) reset_sortable_attributes(uid string) !string

reset_sortable_attributes resets sortable attributes of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) reset_stop_words #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) reset_stop_words(uid string) !string

reset_stop_words resets stop words of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) reset_synonyms #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) reset_synonyms(uid string) !string

reset_synonyms resets synonyms of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) reset_typo_tolerance #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) reset_typo_tolerance(uid string) !string

reset_typo_tolerance resets typo tolerance settings of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) search #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) search[T](uid string, args SearchArgs) !SearchResponse[T]

search performs a search query on an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) similar_documents #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) similar_documents(uid string, args SimilarDocumentsArgs) !SimilarDocumentsResponse

fn (MeilisearchClient) update_displayed_attributes #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) update_displayed_attributes(uid string, attributes []string) !string

update_displayed_attributes updates displayed attributes of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) update_distinct_attribute #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) update_distinct_attribute(uid string, attribute string) !string

update_distinct_attribute updates distinct attribute of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) update_documents #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) update_documents(uid string, documents string) !TaskInfo

update_documents updates documents in an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) update_filterable_attributes #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) update_filterable_attributes(uid string, attributes []string) !string

update_filterable_attributes updates filterable attributes of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) update_ranking_rules #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) update_ranking_rules(uid string, rules []string) !string

update_ranking_rules updates ranking rules of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) update_searchable_attributes #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) update_searchable_attributes(uid string, attributes []string) !string

update_searchable_attributes updates searchable attributes of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) update_settings #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) update_settings(uid string, settings IndexSettings) !string

update_settings updates all settings of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) update_sortable_attributes #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) update_sortable_attributes(uid string, attributes []string) !string

update_sortable_attributes updates sortable attributes of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) update_stop_words #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) update_stop_words(uid string, words []string) !string

update_stop_words updates stop words of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) update_synonyms #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) update_synonyms(uid string, synonyms map[string][]string) !string

update_synonyms updates synonyms of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) update_typo_tolerance #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) update_typo_tolerance(uid string, typo_tolerance TypoTolerance) !string

update_typo_tolerance updates typo tolerance settings of an index

fn (MeilisearchClient) version #

fn (mut client MeilisearchClient) version() !Version

version gets the version of the Meilisearch server

struct MinWordSizeForTypos #

struct MinWordSizeForTypos {
pub mut:
	one_typo  int = 5 @[json: 'oneTypo']
	two_typos int = 9 @[json: 'twoTypos']

MinWordSizeForTypos controls minimum word sizes for one/two typos

struct PlayArgs #

struct PlayArgs {
pub mut:
	name       string = 'default'
	heroscript string // if filled in then plbook will be made out of it
	plbook     ?playbook.PlayBook
	reset      bool
	start      bool
	stop       bool
	restart    bool
	delete     bool
	configure  bool // make sure there is at least one installed

struct TaskInfo #

struct TaskInfo {
	uid         int               @[json: 'taskUid']
	index_uid   string            @[json: 'indexUid']
	status      string            @[json: 'status']
	task_type   string            @[json: 'type']
	details     map[string]string @[json: 'details']
	error       string            @[json: 'error']
	duration    string            @[json: 'duration']
	enqueued_at string            @[json: 'enqueuedAt']
	started_at  string            @[json: 'startedAt']
	finished_at string            @[json: 'finishedAt']

TaskInfo represents information about an asynchronous task

struct TypoTolerance #

struct TypoTolerance {
pub mut:
	enabled                 bool = true                @[json: 'enabled']
	min_word_size_for_typos MinWordSizeForTypos @[json: 'minWordSizeForTypos']
	disable_on_words        []string            @[json: 'disableOnWords']
	disable_on_attributes   []string            @[json: 'disableOnAttributes']

TypoTolerance settings for controlling typo behavior

struct Version #

struct Version {
	pkg_version string @[json: 'pkgVersion']
	commit_sha  string @[json: 'commitSha']
	commit_date string @[json: 'commitDate']

Version represents version information of the Meilisearch server