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core.db #

fn base_decoder #

fn base_decoder(data []u8) !(encoder.Decoder, Base)

fn create #

fn create(args_ DBTableCreateArgs) !

create required tables for requested object

fn delete #

fn delete(args DBDeleteArgs) !

fn find #

fn find(args DBFindArgsI) ![][]u8

fn get #

fn get(args DBTableGetArgs) ![]u8

get the data from DB if you know the gid

fn remark_unserialize_binary #

fn remark_unserialize_binary(data []u8) !Remark

fn remark_unserialize_params #

fn remark_unserialize_params(p paramsparser.Params) !Remark

fn remarks_unserialize_binary #

fn remarks_unserialize_binary(data []u8) !Remarks

fn serializationtype_u8 #

fn serializationtype_u8(t SerializationType) u8

fn set #

fn set(args_ DBSetArgs) !

enum RemarkType #

enum RemarkType {

enum SerializationType #

enum SerializationType {

struct Base #

struct Base {
pub mut:
	gid                smartid.GID
	params             paramsparser.Params
	version_base       u8 = 1 // so we know how to do the serialize or unserialize
	serialization_type SerializationType
	name               string
	description        string
	remarks            Remarks
	mtime              ourtime.OurTime // modification time
	ctime              ourtime.OurTime // creation time

fn (Base) bin_encoder #

fn (o Base) bin_encoder() !encoder.Encoder

returns bin encoder already populated with all base properties

fn (Base) json #

fn (mut o Base) json() string

fn (Base) params_add #

fn (mut o Base) params_add(text string) !

will merge the params

fn (Base) params_set #

fn (mut o Base) params_set(text string) !

fn (Base) remark_add #

fn (mut o Base) remark_add(args_ RemarkAddArgs) !Remark

fn (Base) serialize_kwargs #

fn (o Base) serialize_kwargs() !map[string]string

struct BaseFindArgs #

struct BaseFindArgs {
pub mut:
	mtime_from ?ourtime.OurTime
	mtime_to   ?ourtime.OurTime
	ctime_from ?ourtime.OurTime
	ctime_to   ?ourtime.OurTime
	name       string

struct DB #

struct DB {
pub mut:
	cid        smartid.CID
	version    u8 // 1 is binary, 2 is json, 3 is heroscript
	circlename string
	objtype    string
	sqlitedb   sqlite.DB
	datapath   ?pathlib.Path

fn (DB) base_decoder_heroscript #

fn (db DB) base_decoder_heroscript(txt string) ![]DecoderActionItem

fn (DB) delete #

fn (db DB) delete(gid smartid.GID) !

fn (DB) delete_all #

fn (db DB) delete_all() !

fn (DB) find #

fn (db DB) find[T](args FindArgs[T]) ![]T

name string

fn (DB) find_base #

fn (db DB) find_base(base_args BaseFindArgs, args_ DBFindArgs) ![][]u8

find data based on find statements there are 2 parts to make up the find BaseFindArgs

 mtime_from ?ourtime.OurTime
 mtime_to   ?ourtime.OurTime
 ctime_from ?ourtime.OurTime
 ctime_to   ?ourtime.OurTime
 name       string

DBFindArgs, is the more generic part .

 query_int         map[string]int
 query_string      map[string]string
 query_int_less    map[string]int
 query_int_greater map[string]int

fn (DB) get #

fn (db DB) get[T](gid smartid.GID) !T

fn (DB) get_data #

fn (db DB) get_data(gid smartid.GID) ![]u8

fn (DB) init #

fn (mut mydb DB) init() !

init creates the db file, creates an sqlite db connection pool, and adds the pool to the dbs map

fn (DB) new #

fn (db DB) new[T](args NewArgs[T]) !T

new creates a new root object with id and base It doesn't register the created object to the db, the returned object must still be added using the set method.

fn (DB) new_base #

fn (db DB) new_base(args DBBaseNewArgs) !Base
 params             string
 name               string
 description        string
 mtime              string// modification time
 ctime              string // creation time

fn (DB) serialize #

fn (db DB) serialize[T](obj T) ![]u8

this is the method to dump binary form

fn (DB) serialize_heroscript #

fn (db DB) serialize_heroscript[T](obj T) !string

serialize to heroscript

fn (DB) serialize_kwargs #

fn (db DB) serialize_kwargs[T](obj T) !map[string]string

serialize to heroscript

fn (DB) set #

fn (db DB) set[T](object T) !

set serializes and registers an object to the db with its index fields

fn (DB) set_data #

fn (db DB) set_data(args_ DBSetArgs) !

set data in database, need to pass the base obj as well

gid          smartid.GID
objtype      string // unique type name for obj class
index_int    map[string]int
index_string map[string]string
data         []u8 // if empty will do json
baseobj      Base

fn (DB) unserialize #

fn (db DB) unserialize[T](data []u8) !T

this is the method to load binary form

fn (DB) unserialize_heroscript #

fn (db DB) unserialize_heroscript[T](txt string) ![]T

struct DBBaseNewArgs #

struct DBBaseNewArgs {
pub mut:
	params      string
	name        string
	description string
	mtime       string // modification time
	ctime       string // creation time
	remarks     Remarks

struct DBDeleteArgs #

struct DBDeleteArgs {
pub mut:
	cid     smartid.CID @[required]
	gid     ?smartid.GID
	objtype string @[required]

struct DBFindArgs #

struct DBFindArgs {
pub mut:
	query_int         map[string]int
	query_string      map[string]string
	query_int_less    map[string]int
	query_int_greater map[string]int

struct DBSetArgs #

struct DBSetArgs {
pub mut:
	gid          smartid.GID
	objtype      string // unique type name for obj class
	index_int    map[string]int
	index_string map[string]string
	data         []u8 // if empty will do json
	baseobj      Base

struct DBTableCreateArgs #

struct DBTableCreateArgs {
pub mut:
	cid          smartid.CID
	objtype      string // unique type name for obj class
	index_int    []string
	index_string []string

struct DBTableGetArgs #

struct DBTableGetArgs {
pub mut:
	gid     smartid.GID @[required]
	objtype string      @[required]

struct DecoderActionItem #

struct DecoderActionItem {
	base   Base
	params paramsparser.Params

struct FindArgs #

struct FindArgs[T] {
pub mut:
	object     T
	mtime_from ?ourtime.OurTime
	mtime_to   ?ourtime.OurTime
	ctime_from ?ourtime.OurTime
	ctime_to   ?ourtime.OurTime

struct FindRemarkArgs #

struct FindRemarkArgs {
	params_filter ?string
	author        ?smartid.GID
	time_from     ?ourtime.OurTime
	time_to       ?ourtime.OurTime

struct NewArgs #

struct NewArgs[T] {
pub mut:
	params      string // QUESTION: what are params for
	name        string // name of object
	description string // description of object
	mtime       string // modification time
	ctime       string // creation time
	object      T      // object that is being created

struct Remark #

struct Remark {
pub mut:
	content string
	time    ourtime.OurTime
	author  ?smartid.GID
	rtype   RemarkType
	params  paramsparser.Params

fn (Remark) params_set #

fn (mut o Remark) params_set(text string) !

fn (Remark) params_add #

fn (mut o Remark) params_add(text string) !

will merge the params

fn (Remark) serialize_binary #

fn (o Remark) serialize_binary() []u8

fn (Remark) serialize_heroscript #

fn (r Remark) serialize_heroscript(gid string) !string

specifiy the gid for which we generate the heroscript output

struct RemarkAddArgs #

struct RemarkAddArgs {
pub mut:
	content string
	time    ?ourtime.OurTime
	author  ?smartid.GID
	rtype   RemarkType
	params  string

struct Remarks #

struct Remarks {
pub mut:
	remarks []Remark

fn (Remarks) remark_add #

fn (mut o Remarks) remark_add(args_ RemarkAddArgs) !Remark

fn (Remarks) serialize_binary #

fn (o Remarks) serialize_binary() []u8

fn (Remarks) find_remark #

fn (remarks Remarks) find_remark(args FindRemarkArgs) ![]Remark

fn (Remarks) serialize_heroscript #

fn (remarks Remarks) serialize_heroscript(gid string) !string