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fn new #

fn new() !&HeroRunner

new creates a new HeroRunner instance

enum AgentServiceState #

enum AgentServiceState {
	ok     // service/action is functioning normally
	down   // service/action is not available
	error  // service/action encountered an error
	halted // service/action has been manually stopped

AgentServiceState represents the possible states of an agent service or action

enum AgentState #

enum AgentState {
	ok     // agent is functioning normally
	down   // agent is not responding
	error  // agent encountered an error
	halted // agent has been manually stopped

AgentState represents the possible states of an agent

enum ServiceState #

enum ServiceState {
	ok     // service is functioning normally
	down   // service is not available
	error  // service encountered an error
	halted // service has been manually stopped

ServiceState represents the possible states of a service

enum Status #

enum Status {
	created   // initial state
	scheduled // job has been scheduled
	planned   // arrived where actor will execute the job
	running   // job is currently running
	error     // job encountered an error
	ok        // job completed successfully

Status represents the possible states of a job

struct ACE #

struct ACE {
pub mut:
	groups []string // guid's of the groups who have access
	users  []string // in case groups are not used then is users
	right  string   // e.g. read, write, admin, block

ACE represents an access control entry

struct ACL #

struct ACL {
pub mut:
	name string
	ace  []ACE

ACL represents an access control list

struct Agent #

struct Agent {
pub mut:
	pubkey      string // pubkey using ed25519
	address     string // where we can find the agent
	port        int    // default 9999
	description string // optional
	status      AgentStatus
	services    []AgentService // these are the public services
	signature   string         // signature as done by private key of $address+$port+$description+$status

Agent represents a service provider that can execute jobs

struct AgentManager #

struct AgentManager {
	redis &redisclient.Redis

AgentManager handles all agent-related operations

fn (AgentManager) new #

fn (mut m AgentManager) new() Agent

new creates a new Agent instance

fn (AgentManager) set #

fn (mut m AgentManager) set(agent Agent) !

add adds a new agent to Redis

fn (AgentManager) get #

fn (mut m AgentManager) get(pubkey string) !Agent

get retrieves an agent by its public key

fn (AgentManager) list #

fn (mut m AgentManager) list() ![]Agent

list returns all agents

fn (AgentManager) delete #

fn (mut m AgentManager) delete(pubkey string) !

delete removes an agent by its public key

fn (AgentManager) update_status #

fn (mut m AgentManager) update_status(pubkey string, status AgentState) !

update_status updates just the status of an agent

fn (AgentManager) get_by_service #

fn (mut m AgentManager) get_by_service(actor string, action string) ![]Agent

get_by_service returns all agents that provide a specific service

struct AgentService #

struct AgentService {
pub mut:
	actor       string               // name of the actor providing the service
	actions     []AgentServiceAction // available actions for this service
	description string               // optional description
	status      AgentServiceState    // current state of the service

AgentService represents a service provided by an agent

struct AgentServiceAction #

struct AgentServiceAction {
pub mut:
	action         string            // which action
	description    string            // optional description
	params         map[string]string // e.g. name:'name of the vm' ...
	params_example map[string]string // e.g. name:'myvm'
	status         AgentServiceState // current state of the action
	public         bool              // if everyone can use then true, if restricted means only certain people can use

AgentServiceAction represents an action that can be performed by a service

struct AgentStatus #

struct AgentStatus {
pub mut:
	guid            string          // unique id for the job
	timestamp_first ourtime.OurTime // when agent came online
	timestamp_last  ourtime.OurTime // last time agent let us know that he is working
	status          AgentState      // current state of the agent

AgentStatus represents the current state of an agent

struct Group #

struct Group {
pub mut:
	guid        string   // unique id
	name        string   // name of the group
	description string   // optional description
	members     []string // can be other group or member which is defined by pubkey

Group represents a collection of members (users or other groups)

struct GroupManager #

struct GroupManager {
	redis &redisclient.Redis

GroupManager handles all group-related operations

fn (GroupManager) new #

fn (mut m GroupManager) new() Group

new creates a new Group instance

fn (GroupManager) set #

fn (mut m GroupManager) set(group Group) !

add adds a new group to Redis

fn (GroupManager) get #

fn (mut m GroupManager) get(guid string) !Group

get retrieves a group by its GUID

fn (GroupManager) list #

fn (mut m GroupManager) list() ![]Group

list returns all groups

fn (GroupManager) delete #

fn (mut m GroupManager) delete(guid string) !

delete removes a group by its GUID

fn (GroupManager) add_member #

fn (mut m GroupManager) add_member(guid string, member string) !

add_member adds a member (user pubkey or group GUID) to a group

fn (GroupManager) remove_member #

fn (mut m GroupManager) remove_member(guid string, member string) !

remove_member removes a member from a group

fn (GroupManager) get_user_groups #

fn (mut m GroupManager) get_user_groups(user_pubkey string) ![]Group

struct HeroRunner #

struct HeroRunner {
	redis &redisclient.Redis
pub mut:
	jobs     &JobManager
	agents   &AgentManager
	services &ServiceManager
	groups   &GroupManager

HeroRunner is the main factory for managing jobs, agents, services and groups

struct Job #

struct Job {
pub mut:
	guid               string   // unique id for the job
	agents             []string // the pub key of the agent(s) which will execute the command, only 1 will execute
	source             string   // pubkey from the agent who asked for the job
	circle             string = 'default' // our digital life is organized in circles
	context            string = 'default' // is the high level context in which actors will execute the work inside a circle
	actor              string            // e.g. vm_manager
	action             string            // e.g. start
	params             map[string]string // e.g. id:10
	timeout_schedule   u16  = 60   // timeout before its picked up
	timeout            u16  = 3600 // timeout in sec
	log                bool = true
	ignore_error       bool  // means if error will just exit and not raise, there will be no error reporting
	ignore_error_codes []int // of we want to ignore certain error codes
	debug              bool  // if debug will get more context
	retry              int   // default there is no debug
	status             JobStatus
	dependencies       []JobDependency // will not execute until other jobs are done

Job represents a task to be executed by an agent

struct JobDependency #

struct JobDependency {
pub mut:
	guid   string   // unique id for the job
	agents []string // the pub key of the agent(s) which can execute the command

JobDependency represents a dependency on another job

struct JobManager #

struct JobManager {
	redis &redisclient.Redis

JobManager handles all job-related operations

fn (JobManager) new #

fn (mut m JobManager) new() Job

new creates a new Job instance

fn (JobManager) set #

fn (mut m JobManager) set(job Job) !

add adds a new job to Redis

fn (JobManager) get #

fn (mut m JobManager) get(guid string) !Job

get retrieves a job by its GUID

fn (JobManager) list #

fn (mut m JobManager) list() ![]Job

list returns all jobs

fn (JobManager) delete #

fn (mut m JobManager) delete(guid string) !

delete removes a job by its GUID

fn (JobManager) update_status #

fn (mut m JobManager) update_status(guid string, status Status) !

update_status updates just the status of a job

struct JobStatus #

struct JobStatus {
pub mut:
	guid    string          // unique id for the job
	created ourtime.OurTime // when we created the job
	start   ourtime.OurTime // when the job needs to start
	end     ourtime.OurTime // when the job ended, can be in error
	status  Status          // current status of the job

JobStatus represents the current state of a job

struct Service #

struct Service {
pub mut:
	actor       string          // name of the actor providing the service
	actions     []ServiceAction // available actions for this service
	description string          // optional description
	status      ServiceState    // current state of the service
	acl         ?ACL            // access control list for the service

Service represents a service that can be provided by agents

struct ServiceAction #

struct ServiceAction {
pub mut:
	action         string            // which action
	description    string            // optional description
	params         map[string]string // e.g. name:'name of the vm' ...
	params_example map[string]string // e.g. name:'myvm'
	acl            ?ACL              // if not used then everyone can use

ServiceAction represents an action that can be performed by a service

struct ServiceManager #

struct ServiceManager {
	redis &redisclient.Redis

ServiceManager handles all service-related operations

fn (ServiceManager) new #

fn (mut m ServiceManager) new() Service

new creates a new Service instance

fn (ServiceManager) set #

fn (mut m ServiceManager) set(service Service) !

add adds a new service to Redis

fn (ServiceManager) get #

fn (mut m ServiceManager) get(actor string) !Service

get retrieves a service by its actor name

fn (ServiceManager) list #

fn (mut m ServiceManager) list() ![]Service

list returns all services

fn (ServiceManager) delete #

fn (mut m ServiceManager) delete(actor string) !

delete removes a service by its actor name

fn (ServiceManager) update_status #

fn (mut m ServiceManager) update_status(actor string, status ServiceState) !

update_status updates just the status of a service

fn (ServiceManager) get_by_action #

fn (mut m ServiceManager) get_by_action(action string) ![]Service

get_by_action returns all services that provide a specific action

fn (ServiceManager) check_access #

fn (mut m ServiceManager) check_access(actor string, action string, user_pubkey string, groups []string) !bool

check_access verifies if a user has access to a service action