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clients.rclone #

a sal to work with rclone

Rclone is this incredible swiss army knive to deal with S3 storage servers.


import freeflowuniverse.herolib.osal.rclone

fn main() {
    do() or { panic(err) }

fn do() ! {

    // name      string            @[required]
    // cmd       string            @[required]
    // cmd_file  bool  //if we wanna force to run it as a file which is given to bash -c  (not just a cmd in rclone)
    // test      string
    // test_file bool
    // after     []string
    // env       map[string]string
    // oneshot   bool


protocol defined in

sal on top of

Constants #

const version = '0.0.0'

fn check_installed #

fn check_installed() bool

check_installed checks if rclone is installed

fn configure #

fn configure() !

will look for personal configuration file in ~/hero/config . this file is in heroscript format and will have all required info to configure rclone

     description:'ThreeFold Read Write Repo 1

fn get #

fn get(args_ ArgsGet) !&RCloneClient

fn heroscript_default #

fn heroscript_default() !string

fn new #

fn new(name string) !RCloneClient

new creates a new RCloneClient instance

fn play #

fn play(args_ PlayArgs) !

fn switch #

fn switch(name string)

switch instance to be used for rclone

struct ArgsGet #

struct ArgsGet {
pub mut:
	name string = 'default'


struct PlayArgs #

struct PlayArgs {
pub mut:
	name       string = 'default'
	heroscript string // if filled in then plbook will be made out of it
	plbook     ?playbook.PlayBook
	reset      bool

	start     bool
	stop      bool
	restart   bool
	delete    bool
	configure bool // make sure there is at least one installed

struct RCloneClient #

struct RCloneClient {
pub mut:
	name       string = 'default'
	type_      string = 's3'  // remote type (s3, sftp, etc)
	provider   string = 'aws' // provider for s3 (aws, minio, etc)
	access_key string // access key for authentication
	secret_key string // secret key for authentication
	region     string = 'us-east-1' // region for s3
	endpoint   string // custom endpoint URL if needed

fn (RCloneClient) download #

fn (mut r RCloneClient) download(remote_path string, local_path string) !

download downloads a file or directory from the remote

fn (RCloneClient) list #

fn (mut r RCloneClient) list(remote_path string) !string

list lists contents of a remote path

fn (RCloneClient) mount #

fn (mut r RCloneClient) mount(remote_path string, local_path string) !

mount mounts a remote at the specified path

fn (RCloneClient) unmount #

fn (mut r RCloneClient) unmount(local_path string) !

unmount unmounts a mounted remote

fn (RCloneClient) upload #

fn (mut r RCloneClient) upload(local_path string, remote_path string) !

upload uploads a file or directory to the remote