data.currency #
Currency Module
A comprehensive currency handling module for V that supports both fiat and cryptocurrency operations, currency conversion, and amount parsing.
- Parse currency amounts from human-readable strings
- Support for fiat and cryptocurrencies
- Currency conversion and exchange rates
- USD value calculations
- Support for common currency symbols (€, $, £)
- Multiplier notation support (K for thousands, M for millions)
Basic Usage
Working with Amounts
// Parse amount from string
mut amount := currency.amount_get('20 USD')!
mut amount2 := currency.amount_get('1.5k EUR')! // k for thousands
mut amount3 := currency.amount_get('2M TFT')! // M for millions
// Using currency symbols
mut amount4 := currency.amount_get('€100')! // Euro
mut amount5 := currency.amount_get('$50')! // USD
mut amount6 := currency.amount_get('£75')! // GBP
// Get USD value
usd_value := amount.usd() // converts to USD based on currency's USD value
Currency Operations
// Get a currency
mut usd := currency.get('USD')!
mut eur := currency.get('EUR')!
mut tft := currency.get('TFT')!
// Create an amount with specific currency
mut amount := Amount{
currency: usd
val: 100.0
// Exchange to different currency
mut eur_amount :=!
Amount String Format
The amount_get
function supports various string formats:
// All these formats are valid
amount_get('10.3 USD') // Space separated
amount_get('10.3USD') // No space
amount_get('10.3 usd') // Case insensitive
amount_get('$10.3') // Currency symbol
amount_get('10.3') // Defaults to USD if no currency specified
amount_get('5k USD') // k multiplier for thousands
amount_get('1M EUR') // M multiplier for millions
Multiplier Support
: Multiplies the amount by 1,000M
: Multiplies the amount by 1,000,000
amount_get('5k USD')! // 5,000 USD
amount_get('2.5K EUR')! // 2,500 EUR
amount_get('1M TFT')! // 1,000,000 TFT
Currency Exchange
The module supports currency exchange operations based on USD values:
// Create amounts in different currencies
mut usd_amount := currency.amount_get('100 USD')!
mut eur_amount := currency.amount_get('100 EUR')!
// Exchange USD to EUR
mut in_eur :=!
// Exchange EUR to USD
mut back_to_usd :=!
USD Value Calculations
Every currency has a USD value that's used for conversions:
mut amount := currency.amount_get('100 EUR')!
// Get USD equivalent
usd_value := amount.usd()
// The calculation is: amount.val * amount.currency.usdval
// For example, if EUR.usdval is 1.1:
// 100 EUR = 100 * 1.1 = 110 USD
Error Handling
The module includes robust error handling:
// Handle parsing errors
amount := currency.amount_get('invalid') or {
println('Failed to parse amount: ${err}')
// Handle exchange errors
converted := or {
println('Failed to exchange currency: ${err}')
Currency Codes
- Standard 3-letter currency codes are used (USD, EUR, GBP, etc.)
- Special handling for cryptocurrency codes (TFT, BTC, etc.)
- Currency symbols (€, $, £) are automatically converted to their respective codes
- All decimal values use US notation (dot as decimal separator)
- Commas in numbers are ignored (both "1,000" and "1000" are valid)
- Whitespace is flexible ("100USD" and "100 USD" are both valid)
- Case insensitive ("USD" and "usd" are equivalent)
fn amount_get #
fn amount_get(amount_ string) !Amount
amount_get gets amount and currency from a string input ARGS:- amount_str string : a human-written string-decimals are done with US notation (.)- check in string for format e.g. 10.3usd or '10 usd' or '10 USD' or '10 usDC'allows £,$,€ to be used as special cases
fn get #
fn get(name_ string) !Currency
get a currency object based on the name
fn rates_get #
fn rates_get(cur_array []string, crypto bool) !
// gets the latest currency exchange rates from an API on internet- an array of fiat codes e.g ['EUR', 'AED']
- an array of crypto codes e.g ['TERRA']e.g.
fn refresh #
fn refresh() !
fn set_default #
fn set_default(name_ string, val f64) !
struct Amount #
struct Amount {
pub mut:
currency Currency
val f64
fn (Amount) exchange #
fn (mut a0 Amount) exchange(target_currency_ Currency) !Amount
exchagen the amount to requested target currency
fn (Amount) usd #
fn (a Amount) usd() f64
convert an Amount into usd ARGS:- Amount
struct Currency #
struct Currency {
pub mut:
name string
usdval f64