data.location #
make sure to do
brew install libpq
fn new #
fn new(mut db_client postgresql_client.PostgresClient, reset bool) !Location
new creates a new Location instance
fn new_location_db #
fn new_location_db(mut db_client postgresql_client.PostgresClient, reset bool) !LocationDB
new_location_db creates a new LocationDB instance
struct AlternateName #
struct AlternateName {
id int @[primary; sql: serial]
city_id int @[fkey: ''; required]
name string @[index; max_len: 200; required]
language_code string @[max_len: 2]
is_preferred bool
is_short bool
struct City #
struct City {
id int @[index; unique]
name string @[index; max_len: 200; required]
ascii_name string @[index; max_len: 200; required] // Normalized name without special characters
country_iso2 string @[fkey: 'Country.iso2'; required]
postal_code string @[index; max_len: 20] // postal code
state_name string @[max_len: 100] // State/Province name
state_code string @[max_len: 20] // State/Province code
county_name string @[max_len: 100]
county_code string @[max_len: 20]
community_name string @[max_len: 100]
community_code string @[max_len: 20]
latitude f64 @[index: 'idx_coords']
longitude f64 @[index: 'idx_coords']
population i64
timezone string @[max_len: 40]
feature_class string @[max_len: 1] // For filtering (P for populated places)
feature_code string @[max_len: 10] // Detailed type (PPL, PPLA, etc.)
search_priority int
accuracy i16 = 1 // 1=estimated, 4=geonameid, 6=centroid of addresses or shape
struct CoordinateSearchOptions #
struct CoordinateSearchOptions {
coordinates Coordinates
radius f64 // in kilometers
limit int = 10
CoordinateSearchOptions represents parameters for coordinate-based searches
struct Coordinates #
struct Coordinates {
latitude f64
longitude f64
Coordinates represents a geographic point
struct Country #
struct Country {
iso2 string @[index; max_len: 2; primary; sql: 'iso2'; unique]
name string @[index; required; unique]
iso3 string @[index; max_len: 3; required; sql: 'iso3'; unique]
continent string @[max_len: 2]
population i64
timezone string @[max_len: 40]
import_date i64 // Epoch timestamp of last import
struct Location #
struct Location {
db LocationDB
db_client postgresql_client.PostgresClient
Location represents the main API for location operations
fn (Location) download_and_import #
fn (mut l Location) download_and_import(redownload bool) !
init_database downloads and imports the initial dataset
struct LocationDB #
struct LocationDB {
pub mut:
db pg.DB
db_client postgresql_client.PostgresClient
tmp_dir pathlib.Path
db_dir pathlib.Path
LocationDB handles all database operations for locations
fn (LocationDB) close #
fn (mut l LocationDB) close() !
close closes the database connection
fn (LocationDB) download_and_import_data #
fn (mut l LocationDB) download_and_import_data(redownload bool) !
download_and_import_data downloads and imports GeoNames data
fn (LocationDB) reset_import_dates #
fn (mut l LocationDB) reset_import_dates() !
reset_import_dates sets all country import_dates to 0
struct SearchOptions #
struct SearchOptions {
query string
country_code string
limit int = 10
fuzzy bool
SearchOptions represents parameters for location searches
struct SearchResult #
struct SearchResult {
city City
country Country
similarity f64 // Search similarity score
SearchResult represents a location search result with combined city and country info