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lang.python #

use virtual env

import freeflowuniverse.herolib.lang.python'default')! //a python env with name default

to activate an environment and use the installed python

source ~/hero/python/default/bin/activate

how to write python scripts to execute

//#!/usr/bin/env -S v -gc none  -cc tcc -d use_openssl -enable-globals run

import freeflowuniverse.herolib.lang.python
import  json

pub struct Person {
    name     string
    age      int
    is_member bool
    skills   []string

mut'test')! //a python env with name test

//this is used in the pythonexample

mut res:=''
for i in 0..5{



example python script which is in the pythonscripts/ dir

import json

for counter in range(1, @nrcount):  ##    print(f'done_{counter}')

##example_struct = {
    'name': 'John Doe',
    'age': @nrcount,
    'is_member': True,
    'skills': ['Python', 'Data Analysis', 'Machine Learning']

##json_string = json.dumps(example_struct, indent=4)


see herolib/examples/lang/python/pythonexample.vsh


This is a slow way how to execute python, is about 2 per second on a fast machine, need to implement something where we keep the python in mem and reading from a queue e.g. redis this will go much faster, but ok for now.

see also examples dir, there is a working example

fn new #

fn new(args_ PythonEnvArgs) !PythonEnv

struct PythonEnv #

struct PythonEnv {
pub mut:
	name string
	path pathlib.Path
	db   dbfs.DB

fn (PythonEnv) exec #

fn (py PythonEnv) exec(args PythonExecArgs) !string

fn (PythonEnv) init_env #

fn (py PythonEnv) init_env() !

comma separated list of packages to install

fn (PythonEnv) pip #

fn (mut py PythonEnv) pip(packages string) !

comma separated list of packages to install

fn (PythonEnv) pip_uninstall #

fn (mut py PythonEnv) pip_uninstall(packages string) !

comma separated list of packages to uninstall

fn (PythonEnv) pips_done #

fn (mut py PythonEnv) pips_done() ![]string

fn (PythonEnv) pips_done_add #

fn (mut py PythonEnv) pips_done_add(name string) !

fn (PythonEnv) pips_done_check #

fn (mut py PythonEnv) pips_done_check(name string) !bool

fn (PythonEnv) pips_done_reset #

fn (mut py PythonEnv) pips_done_reset() !

fn (PythonEnv) shell #

fn (py PythonEnv) shell(name_ string) !

fn (PythonEnv) update #

fn (py PythonEnv) update() !

comma separated list of packages to install

struct PythonEnvArgs #

struct PythonEnvArgs {
pub mut:
	name  string = 'default'
	reset bool

struct PythonExecArgs #

struct PythonExecArgs {
pub mut:
	cmd                string @[required]
	result_delimiter   string = '==RESULT=='
	ok_delimiter       string = '==OK=='
	python_script_name string // if used will put it in root of the sandbox under that name
	stdout             bool = true