ui #
User Interface
import freeflowuniverse.herolib.ui
import freeflowuniverse.herolib.ui.console
//today channeltype is not used, only console supported
mut myui:=ui.new()!
//ask_question(args QuestionArgs) string
myurl:=myui.ask_question(question:'what is the url to your repo')!
//..ask_dropdown(args DropDownArgs) int
mycolor:=myui.ask_dropdown(question:'what is the color you like',items:['red','green])!
//..ask_dropdown_multiple(args DropDownArgs) []string
mycolors:=myui.ask_dropdown_multiple(question:'what is the colors you like',items:['red','green'])!
// will return the string as given as response
//..ask_dropdown_string(args DropDownArgs) string
//..ask_yesno(args YesNoArgs) bool
ok2delete:=myui.ask_yesno(question:'are you sure?')!
// print with colors, reset...
// foreground ForegroundColor
// background BackgroundColor
// text string
// style Style
// reset_before bool = true
// reset_after bool = true
console.cprint(foreground=.yellow,style=.bold,text:'this is my happy text')
see uimodel
base capabilities
can be seen in section generic
not all features are possible for all UI implementations, sometimes a redirect to a webserver might be needed e.g. edit a document when using telegram, probably means we need to send a link to a server where the editor is a javascript editor and then the result get saved at the backend.
console colors
enum ForegroundColor {
default_color = 39
white = 97
black = 30
red = 31
green = 32
yellow = 33
blue = 34
magenta = 35
cyan = 36
light_gray = 37
dark_gray = 90
light_red = 91
light_green = 92
light_yellow = 93
light_blue = 94
light_magenta = 95
light_cyan = 96
enum BackgroundColor {
default_color = 49
black = 40
red = 41
green = 42
yellow = 43
blue = 44
magenta = 45
cyan = 46
light_gray = 47
dark_gray = 100
light_red = 101
light_green = 102
light_yellow = 103
light_blue = 104
light_magenta = 105
light_cyan = 106
white = 107
enum Style {
normal = 99
bold = 1
dim = 2
underline = 4
blink = 5
reverse = 7
hidden = 8
fn new #
fn new(args UserInterfaceArgs) !UserInterface
struct UserInterfaceArgs #
struct UserInterfaceArgs {
pub mut:
channel ChannelType
params paramsparser.Params // to pass arguments to implementation