threefold.grid4.cloudslices #
fn load #
fn load(path string) ![]Node
load the cloudboxes from a path
fn play #
fn play(mut plbook PlayBook) !map[string]&Node
this play script should never be called from hero directly its called by gridsimulator
fn preprocess_value #
fn preprocess_value(v string) string
struct AIBox #
struct AIBox {
pub mut:
amount int
gpu_brand string
gpu_version string
description string
storage_gb f64
passmark int
vcores int
mem_gb f64
mem_gb_gpu f64
price_range []f64 = [0.0, 0.0]
price_simulation f64
hdd_nr int
ssd_nr int
struct CloudBox #
struct CloudBox {
pub mut:
amount int
description string
storage_gb f64
passmark int
vcores int
mem_gb f64
price_range []f64 = [0.0, 0.0]
price_simulation f64
ssd_nr int
struct Node #
struct Node {
pub mut:
id int
name string
cost f64
deliverytime time.Time
description string
cpu_brand string
cpu_version string
inca_reward int
image string
mem string
hdd string
ssd string
url string
reputation int
uptime int // 0..100
continent string
country string
passmark int
cloudbox []CloudBox
aibox []AIBox
storagebox []StorageBox
vendor string
grant NodeGrant
fn (Node) node_total #
fn (n Node) node_total() NodeTotal
fn (Node) preprocess_location #
fn (mut n Node) preprocess_location(v string) !
struct NodeGrant #
struct NodeGrant {
pub mut:
grant_month_usd string
grant_month_inca string
grant_max_nrnodes int
struct NodeTotal #
struct NodeTotal {
pub mut:
id int
name string
cost f64
deliverytime time.Time
description string
cpu_brand string
cpu_version string
inca_reward int
image string
mem string
hdd string
ssd string
url string
reputation int
uptime int
continent string
country string
storage_gb f64
mem_gb f64
mem_gb_gpu f64
price_simulation f64
passmark int
vcores int
struct StorageBox #
struct StorageBox {
pub mut:
amount int
description string
price_range []f64 = [0.0, 0.0]
price_simulation f64