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core.logger #

Logger Module

A simple logging system that provides structured logging with search capabilities.

Logs are stored in hourly files with a consistent format that makes them both human-readable and machine-parseable.


  • Structured logging with categories and error types
  • Automatic timestamp management
  • Multi-line message support
  • Search functionality with filtering options
  • Human-readable log format


import freeflowuniverse.herolib.core.logger

// Create a new logger
mut l := '/var/logs')!

// Log a message
    cat: 'system',
    log: 'System started successfully',
    logtype: .stdout

// Log an error
    cat: 'system',
    log: 'Failed to connect\nRetrying in 5 seconds...',
    logtype: .error

// Search logs
results :=
    timestamp_from:'-24h'), // Last 24 hours
    cat: 'system',                               // Filter by category
    log: 'failed',                              // Search in message content
    logtype: .error,                            // Only error messages
    maxitems: 100                               // Limit results

Log Format

Each log file is named using the format YYYY-MM-DD-HH.log and contains entries in the following format:

 system     - This is a normal log message
 system     - This is a multi-line message
              second line with proper indentation
              third line maintaining alignment
E error_cat - This is an error message
E             second line of error
E             third line of error

Format Rules

  • Time stamps (HH:MM:SS) are written once per second when the log time changes
  • Categories are:
  • Limited to 10 characters maximum
  • Padded with spaces to exactly 10 characters
  • Any - in category names are converted to _
  • Each line starts with either:
  • (space) for normal logs (LogType.stdout)
  • E for error logs (LogType.error)
  • Multi-line messages maintain consistent indentation (14 spaces after the prefix)

fn new #

fn new(path string) !Logger

enum LogType #

enum LogType {

struct LogItem #

struct LogItem {
pub mut:
	timestamp ourtime.OurTime
	cat       string
	log       string
	logtype   LogType

struct LogItemArgs #

struct LogItemArgs {
pub mut:
	timestamp ?ourtime.OurTime
	cat       string
	log       string
	logtype   LogType

struct Logger #

struct Logger {
pub mut:
	path         pathlib.Path
	lastlog_time i64 // to see in log format, every second we put a time down, we need to know if we are in a new second (logs can come in much faster)

fn (Logger) log #

fn (mut l Logger) log(args_ LogItemArgs) !

fn (Logger) search #

fn (mut l Logger) search(args_ SearchArgs) ![]LogItem

struct SearchArgs #

struct SearchArgs {
pub mut:
	timestamp_from ?ourtime.OurTime
	timestamp_to   ?ourtime.OurTime
	cat            string // can be empty
	log            string // any content in here will be looked for
	logtype        LogType
	maxitems       int = 10000