conversiontools.docsorter #
Each document we will sort need to have e.g. [aac]
in the name, the aac is the id of the document
How to use
- documents can be downloaded from any source and put in a directory which is the the source of the information
#!/usr/bin/env -S v -gc none -cc tcc -d use_openssl -enable-globals run
import os
import import freeflowuniverse.herolib.conversiontools.docsorter
path: '/Users/despiegk1/Downloads/pdfcleaner'
export_path: '/tmp/export'
example instructions file:
aab:phoenix:phoenix_digital_nation_litepaper:Litepaper of how a Digital nation can use the Hero Phone
the first is the id, 2nd is name of the collection, the 3e is the name, and 4e is optional description.
usage through heroscript
!!docsorter.settings collections_path:''
//the following will download the doc from google drive, will only work if doc is public available
!!docsorter.pdf_copy id:'aaa' name:'ourworld_investment_memo' type:'pdf' collection:'ourworld'
description:'OurWorld Investment Memo Nov 2024'
!!docsorter.canva_export ...
fn sort #
fn sort(_args Params) !DocSorter
struct Doc #
struct Doc {
pub mut:
id string
path string
name string
description string
collection_name string
struct DocSorter #
struct DocSorter {
pub mut:
docs []&Doc
args Params
py ?python.PythonEnv @[skip]
fn (DocSorter) doc_exists #
fn (pc DocSorter) doc_exists(id string) bool
struct Params #
struct Params {
pub mut:
path string
instructions string
export_path string
reset bool
slides bool // if we exctract slides out of the pdfs