osal.tun #
TUN Interface Management
This module provides functionality to manage TUN (network tunnel) interfaces on Linux and macOS systems.
available() !bool
Checks if TUN/TAP functionality is available on the system:- Linux: Verifies /dev/net/tun
exists and is a character device
- macOS: Checks for
interfaces usingifconfig
free() !string
Returns the name of an available TUN interface:- Linux: Returns first available interface from tun0-tun10
- macOS: Returns next available utun interface number
Example Usage
//#!/usr/bin/env -S v -n -w -gc none -cc tcc -d use_openssl -enable-globals run
import freeflowuniverse.herolib.osal.tun
// Check if TUN is available
if available := tun.available() {
if available {
println('TUN is available on this system')
// Get a free TUN interface name
if interface_name := tun.free() {
println('Found free TUN interface: ${interface_name}')
// Example: Now you could use this interface name
// to set up your tunnel
} else {
println('Error finding free interface: ${err}')
} else {
println('TUN is not available on this system')
} else {
println('Error checking TUN availability: ${err}')
Platform Support
The module automatically detects the platform (Linux/macOS) and uses the appropriate methods:
- On Linux: Uses
andip link
commands - On macOS: Uses
interfaces viaifconfig
Error Handling
Both functions return a Result type, so errors should be handled appropriately:- Unsupported platform errors
- Interface availability errors
- System command execution errors
fn available #
fn available() !bool
available checks if TUN/TAP is available on the system
fn free #
fn free() !string
free returns the name of an available TUN interface e.g. returns 'utun1'