code.generator.installer_client #
generation framework for clients & installers
#hero generate -p thepath_is_optional
##hero generate -p thepath_is_optional -t client
#hero generate -p thepath_is_optional -t installer
#hero generate -p thepath_is_optional -t installer -s
there will be a .heroscript
in the director you want to generate for, the format is as follows:
//for a server
singleton:1 //there can only be 1 object in the globals, is called 'default'
templates:1 //are there templates for the installer
startupmanager:1 //managed by a startup manager, default true
build:1 //will we also build the component
//or for a client
singleton:0 //default is 0
needs to be put as .heroscript in the directories which we want to generate
templates remarks
in templates:
- ^^ or @@ > gets replaced to @
- ?? > gets replaced to $
this is to make distinction between processing at compile time (pre-compile) or at runtime.
call by code
to call in code
#!/usr/bin/env -S v -gc none -cc tcc -d use_openssl -enable-globals run
import freeflowuniverse.herolib.code.generator.generic
to run from bash
fn ask #
fn ask(path string) !
will ask questions & create the .heroscript
fn do #
fn do(args_ GenerateArgs) !
the default to start with
reset bool // regenerate all, dangerous !!! interactive bool //if we want to ask path string model ?GenModel cat ?Cat
fn gen_model_get #
fn gen_model_get(path string, create bool) !GenModel
loads the heroscript and return the model
fn gen_model_set #
fn gen_model_set(args GenerateArgs) !
creates the heroscript from the GenModel as part of GenerateArgs
fn scan #
fn scan(args ScannerArgs) !
scan over a set of directories call the play where
enum Cat #
enum Cat {
struct GenModel #
struct GenModel {
pub mut:
name string
classname string
default bool = true // means user can just get the object and a default will be created
title string
// supported_platforms []string // only relevant for installers for now
singleton bool // means there can only be one
templates bool // means we will use templates in the installer, client doesn't do this'
reset bool // regenerate all, dangerous !!!
interactive bool // if we want to ask
startupmanager bool = true
build bool = true
hasconfig bool = true
cat Cat // dont' set default
struct GenerateArgs #
struct GenerateArgs {
pub mut:
reset bool // regenerate all, dangerous !!!
interactive bool // if we want to ask
path string
model ?GenModel
cat ?Cat
struct ScannerArgs #
struct ScannerArgs {
pub mut:
reset bool // regenerate all, dangerous !!!
interactive bool // if we want to ask
path string