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data.hjson #

HJSON Module

A V module for handling JSON data with additional utility functions for filtering, extracting, and manipulating JSON structures.


  • JSON list splitting
  • JSON dictionary filtering and extraction
  • Clean ASCII handling option
  • Support for both string and Any type outputs

Main Functions

json_list(r string, clean bool) []string

Splits a list of dictionaries into text blocks. Useful for processing large JSON arrays of objects.

json_dict_get_any(r string, clean bool, key string) !json2.Any

Extracts a value from a JSON dictionary by key, returning it as json2.Any.

json_dict_get_string(r string, clean bool, key string) !string

Similar to json_dict_get_any but returns the result as a string.

json_dict_filter_any(r string, clean bool, include []string, exclude []string) !map[string]json2.Any

Filters a JSON dictionary based on included and excluded keys.

json_dict_filter_string(r string, clean bool, include []string, exclude []string) !map[string]string

Similar to json_dict_filter_any but returns a map of strings.

json_list_dict_get_any(r string, clean bool, key string) ![]json2.Any

Processes a list of dictionaries and extracts values for a specific key from each dictionary.

json_list_dict_get_string(r string, clean bool, key string) ![]string

Similar to json_list_dict_get_any but returns an array of strings.

Usage Examples

// Get a value from a JSON dictionary
json_str := '{"name": "John", "age": 30}'
name := json_dict_get_string(json_str, true, 'name')!
println(name) // Output: "John"

// Filter JSON dictionary
json_str := '{"name": "John", "age": 30, "city": "New York"}'
include := ['name', 'age']
exclude := []
filtered := json_dict_filter_string(json_str, true, include, exclude)!
println(filtered) // Output: {"name": "John", "age": 30}

// Process a list of dictionaries
json_list := '[{"user": {"name": "John"}}, {"user": {"name": "Jane"}}]'
names := json_list_dict_get_string(json_list, true, 'user')!
println(names) // Output: [{"name": "John"}, {"name": "Jane"}]


  • r string: The input JSON string to process
  • clean bool: When true, cleans the input string to ensure ASCII compatibility
  • key string: The key to search for in JSON dictionaries
  • include []string: List of keys to include in filtered output
  • exclude []string: List of keys to exclude from filtered output

Error Handling

All functions that can fail return a Result type (!). Common error cases include:- Empty input strings

  • Invalid JSON format
  • Missing keys
  • Invalid data types

fn json_dict_filter_any #

fn json_dict_filter_any(r string, clean bool, include []string, exclude []string) !map[string]json2.Any

get dict out of json if include used (not empty, then will only match on keys given)

fn json_dict_filter_string #

fn json_dict_filter_string(r string, clean bool, include []string, exclude []string) !map[string]string

fn json_dict_get_any #

fn json_dict_get_any(r string, clean bool, key string) !json2.Any

get dict out of json if include used (not empty, then will only match on keys given)

fn json_dict_get_string #

fn json_dict_get_string(r string, clean bool, key string) !string

fn json_list #

fn json_list(r string, clean bool) []string

rought splitter for json, splits a list of dicts into the text blocks

fn json_list_dict_get_any #

fn json_list_dict_get_any(r string, clean bool, key string) ![]json2.Any

the input is a list of dicts e.g. [{"key":{"name":"",...},{"key":...}] in this key the key would be key returns list of json2.any

fn json_list_dict_get_string #

fn json_list_dict_get_string(r string, clean bool, key string) ![]string

the input is a list of dicts e.g. [{"key":{"name":"",...},{"key":...}] in this key the key would be key returns list strings which can be parsed as json