Create the infrastructure layer for an upgraded internet:
- A more reliable internet, one which can meet the challenges of the future (climate change issues, possibility of unrest, financial crisis, …).
- A more sustainable internet, using a lot less energy
- A more safe internet
- An internet where we can be the center of our digital life with more security, less costs, no middleman, …
Providing for
- Experiences which allow people to be free, safe and self sovereign.
- Any application which puts the people in the center and allows them to have full control over their data & future.
- New financial systems (DEFI, but different than today's casino-like environment, peer2peer)
- Projects which want to build communities to achieve planet positive goals.
- Countries that choose to work in a decentralized manner
Of course all of this can only happen by building communities and by collaborating with like minded projects/people.
Why an upgraded Internet
- The current internet is very unstable (too centralized fiber cables, data centers, …)
- The current internet is very unsafe
- The current internet is not distributed enough, only in a few countries.
- The current internet is too power hungry.
- The current internet is too complicated
- The current internet is exploitative, it turned us all into a product.
To create an upgraded abundance based system we need to provide following 3 pillars:
- a regenerative, safe, sovereign internet infrastructure layer = ThreeFold
- an integrated stable decentralized financial system (DEFI)
- a set of experiences (applications) and information to allow everyone on equal basis to learn, create, exchange, travel, … basically experience the abundance based world
Imagine a world where communities can build their own internet, from scratch, an internet which would deliver all the needs for a different future life. Each Internet deployed by the people for the people is called an OurWorld Internet.
In each Regional Internet abundance is the base:
- lots of free information, education, knowledge (books, encyclopedias), earth information (maps, videos), art (music, video, …), …
- Your applications required for your digital professional and personal life are all free
- You can find anything for free, you can promote everything for free.
- You can freely exchange anything to anything else (money for good, good for good, money for money, …)
This internet is “a peer2peer people’s internet”, created and owned by all of us together. The economic principles are dramatically different. Everything is available to build your own internet, from scratch. As a starting point you only need some computers and standard network equipment, all the rest is achieved by the magic of our threefold opensource software.